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9 months later...

Gideon was watching Will as he paced back and forth unable to stay still. Gideon sighed, "I am sure she is fine." Will kept pacing the room. "How would you know?" Will asked him glaring at the floor. Tessa, Charlotte, Sophie, and Cecily had been in the room for what felt like eternity, but it had only been no more than a few hours. Gideon scoffed, "Will, calm yourself. Tessa can handle this. All you need to do is remain calm, which for you is possibly impossible." Will turned his attention to him and was about to speak when Henry rolled in on his wheel chair. Gabriel was behind him. Will turned to check if one of the girls was behind him. When he didn't find anything he returned to his pacing. "Will, she will be fine. There is nothing to worry about, she is strong young woman." Will waved it off and was pacing faster now. Cecily came through the door, "William Herondale, stop your pacing." Will turned to her, "Is she alright?" He had stopped his pacing and was facing her. "Will, she is fine. Now come on." Cecily gave her fiancé, Gabriel, a quick kiss on the cheek. When Will found out that they were to be wed he was furious but grew to have terms with him. Gabriel gave a nod. Cecily was almost at the door when Will went flying by going to his wife's side. 

He reached the door and Cecily was behind him. She stepped in front of him and said, "Tessa, we're coming in." She was about to open the door when Charlotte opened it first. "Will, once Sophie and I step out you may come in." She was clearly not going to have an argument with him so he stepped back a bit and let Charlotte and Sophie through the door. Once the way was clear for him to go through he went into the room. Tessa was laying on the bed with a baby in her arms. She looked as if she were ready to fall asleep. He smiled and walked towards her. She looked up at him and smiled. He sat on the edge of the bed, "How are you feeling?" He asked. She sighed, "Ready to sleep for a bit. Would you like to meet your son?" Will took the child from her arms after he nodded a bit. He held the baby boy in his arms. "What shall we name him?" Tessa  asked. Will looked at her. "You should know this already. His name is going to be James." She chuckled. "I should have known."

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