5) When everyone else but you is treated kindly

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Will paces in the room as Charlotte was working on her paper work. Charlotte finally said, "Will stop pacing." Will stopped and took a breath. "Wishspark and Riverpush, are on my nerves." He resumed his pacing back and forth. Charlotte looked up, "Really Will? I hadn't noticed from your pacing." Will looked at her, he noticed that there was a slight since of sarcasm. "Was that sarcasm?" Will asked Charlotte. She sighed, "Will, you and I both know that this would be a difficult task to do." Will could only nod in agreement. He had no words to say, nor he had any to think of. Will was out of smart remarks for one of the very few times in his life. He was worried for Tessa and if she would be alright once he saw her kind, beautiful face once again and in his arms.

Tessa was reading her book peacefully when she heard a fight break out in the training room. She sat the book down and hurried to see what was wrong. She saw Gideon and Gabriel seraph blade to seraph blade with two other adults. Gabriel said, "Will you Morgenstern ever learn not to mess with a Lightwood?!" Tessa crossed her arms. "Gabriel, what is going on?" The Lightwood brothers looked at Tessa, so did the Morgenstern. Tessa had a pale blue dress on and her hair up. The Lightwoods were sweaty from training. The Morgensterns' on the other hand were dressed professionally as if they were going to a business meeting. Tessa narrowed her eyes. Something was off about them, but she couldn't quit put her finger on what made her not trust them. Mrs. Morgenstern said, "Mrs. Herondale, will you kindly leave the room?" Tessa crossed her arms over her chest. She said, "And what if I don't? Last I had checked I am a resident of this Institute just as much as the Lightwoods." She had a fair point and the Morgensterns knew it. Mr. Morgenstern chuckled, "Mrs. Herondale if you would kindly leave these little matters to us, you won't have to worry about the tiny little thing you are." That was an insult towards Tessa and the Lightwood brothers knew it as much as Tessa did. Gideon started, "And last I heard, Tessa is more like us than anything else." Tessa knew what Gideon meant, he had meant that she was part Shadowhunter like them than any other downworlder. Tessa was after all on the borderline of a Downworlder and a Nephilim. She shouldn't had been born in the Shadowhunters eyes, only the people in the Institute and Jem included were perfectly fine with her and what she was. Will didn't even care about it. Tessa glared at the Morgensterns. "Don't fret about it, Gideon. I am clearly not wanted here. Good evening." Tessa said to Gideon and Gabriel. She left the training room, with the Morgensterns having a sideways grin on their faces.

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