Chapter 21- New Place

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Song --
Peponi- Piano Guys
We reach Bora Bora at around 2 in the afternoon.All I needed right now was a long nap . The flight was too long and even after sleeping for almost half the flight I still feel so deprived of it .
We were currently in the taxi and Zayn was trying to explain the driver where we wanted to go . The driver who could only understand French seemed to go crazy over the way Zayn was explaining things to him .
"We want to get to the hotel. The hotel " he says pointing to small visiting card in his hand
"Où veux-tu aller ?" He says in French . "je ne comprends rien"
"How the hell do you say Hotel in French " He yells with impatience .
All this while all I could do was laugh at him . I surely was having a good time .
" Um..nous voulons aller à l'hôtel" I say
Zayn looks at me with shock . I point towards my phone and show him Google translation . He looks at me wickedly while I give him a smirk .
"Bien..." The driver says starting the car.
"You could have done that before don't you think ?"
"How about no ? I was actually having fun watching you there " I poke my tongue out at him . He leans in and places a kiss on my cheeks .
I place my head on his shoulder taking in the beautiful scenery around us.
Upon reaching the hotel we pay the amount to the driver
"Thank you and please learn some English ." Zayn says
"bonne journée Monsieur" The driver replies back and clearly Zayn and I don't seem to understand a single word .
We enter the large hotel and just the entrance leaves me baffled .
The chandelier that hangs down from the ceiling is huge and the light is perfect . The aroma of lemon fills my nostrils as soon as I take a breath.
"This is so beautiful " I say upon entering the hotel
"I know . It's amazing " Zayn replies in a mesmerised tone.
We reach the reception and place our bags down .
I could faintly hear soft piano from the background .
"Good morning Mr Malik and Miss Kate. Welcome to Bora heights !" A beautiful young woman greets us with a smile .
'KRITI SINGH - her name tag reads
"I am Kriti , the manger of this very resort. I believe that you have a reservation with us Mr. Malik ."
"Yes, I do . " Zayn says handing over the documents to her
"Very well sir then I must guide you to your rooms "
We begin walking around till the lift arrives . I look around the huge resort and say
"This place is fantastic . It's big and beautiful . Impressive "
" Thank you ma'am. Well the hotel belonged to my grandfather and eventually got passed on to me . I must say , that taking care of such a huge resort is absolutely not easy but I get the motivation from my dad , who rebuilt this entire property singlehandedly "
"Thats wonderful " Zayn says smiling
Our talks are interrupted by the ding of the lift indicating that our floor had arrived .
Kriti takes out the key and swipes it to open our room.
The room is just as breathtaking as this place is .
(Photo in the media bar)
Kriti shows us around our room and says " Well I really hope that you guys enjoy your stay and if you need anything do not hesitate to call . But before I leave can I take a picture with you Mr. Malik ? I happen to be a big fan"
"Yeah sure sweetheart . Why not "
"Miss Kate , can you please take a picture for me ?"
"Yeah sure " I reply smiling and click one for her .
"Thank you so much. I must leave now . Enjoy " she says leaving and closing the door behind us
"Finding fans in Bora Bora as well huh ?" I say smiling
"Yeah , I'm amused as well. Directioners are taking all over the world "
I laugh at his reply. Surely enough the directioners army was getting huge day by day .
"So what do you wanna do now ?"I ask him
"Well , first we get changed and take a nap. Then we get up and order some food ."
"Is that okay for you ?"
"Sounds like a plan"
I get up and take out my pjs from my luggage and head to the bathroom
We both change and eventually cuddle off to sleep in each other's arms .

Finally a long update.
Hope you liked it . ✌🏻️

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