Chapter 26 - Challenges

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" what the hell are you talking about mom ??" I spit out " future husband ? Who the hell is he ? And who the hell are you to fix my marriage with a total stanger without my consent ??" I just couldn't keep my anger in control . How can she do such a thing to me ? Her own blood. My fists were clenched in anger and my knuckles were turning white.
All this while my dad kept so mum and quiet.
"Dad, say something . Did you know about all of this ?"
" I am sorry honey. I did know about all of this. But you know that you're mom is he boss of the house . I am really sorry ??"
" sorry ? Sorry ? Wow dad. First of all You guys show up to my apartment unannounced and then sit there having tea with my future - fùćking - husband ! And that is all you say ? S O R R Y ???" I burst out at them .
" language young lady . And for your kind information it's not dads choice it's mine. I want you settled in life with a young successful handsome lad who own a business empire rather than a shabby looking fellow with tattoos all over his body who has no career or education at all . All moms dream that , don't they Mrs Sanchez ?"
"Yes absolutely Mrs summers . I agree " the women seated across replies .
" Oh you better keep quiet before I burst out on you too !" I snap
" Keep your voice down infront of your mother in law " my mum says abruptly standing up .
Mother in law . I scoff.
" Mrs. Summers . Can I talk to you alone for a minute ?" Zayn speaks for the first time. I realise that all this while he has been standing just behind me listening to all those insults quietly .
" no . I refuse to talk to up you in private . If there's anything that you'd like to say you better say it in here , in front of everyone ."
" ma'am I really love your daughter . I might not have the best education or the best degree from a top institute like this young man over here but I can give her something that none else can.
My love .
Ma'am you need to realise that what your daughter needs is love and happiness not money and valuables that she can herself buy . I promise you that I'll love her till my last breath and I assure you that I'll keep her happy"
Tears brim my eyes . I didn't know that Zayn could be so soft on the inside and that he would say such a nice thing to my mom .
I hold his hand and look at him.
" so what ? Alexis can give that to her too . He can also love her and keep her happy ?"my mom snaps .
" but does she love him back ?" Zayn questions
" Of course she will love him back. You see that's the thing with arranged marriages. You eventually fall in love . Me and my husband have. All Indian marriages end up that way . And trust me arrange marriages last better than a love marriage . I know they will fall in love sooner or later ."
" alright then, if this is the case then I have a challenge " Zayn speaks
" Challenge ???"
" ya. A challenge . If Alexis can make Kate fall in love with him in two months . I myself will give Kate's hand in Marriage to him. But if he can't , Kate becomes mine forever and nobody can come between our decisions . " He declares .

New year , new update.
Happy new year guys.if you liked this chapter make sure to leave a vote and comment.
Peace . Bye 💝

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