Chapter 14- Lakes and Ponds

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Authors Note
I wrote a few imagines also , so take a look at it too. Its on my profile . And if you guys want any Personal imagine with any of the boys you can request me and I will defo. make it

Enjoy cupcakes <3


We headed towards the exit hand in hand . The day was beautiful. Maybe it was because I had a whole day by myself with Zayn. I really wanted to spend some time alone with him away from the screaming fans and interrogative paps.

Sometimes the thought of our relationship being official scares me. I always feared the way the fans would react to this situation. I had heard in the news before that their girlfriends were always receiving hate online and what sickened me the most was the the thought of facing it myself in a few days. But I was strong and I believe that Zayn will always stay by me , through love or hate.

I noticed that we reached a little far away from the town.

"Where are going ?" I enquired.

"A little bit far away from the town. There is a beautiful place I want you to see, You'll love it !"

"It seems special to you " I smiled.

"It kinda is . I usually come here to spend a peaceful day"

"That's nice to know" I was actually eager to see Zayn's Emotional side.

We finally reached our destination. The place was huge and was filled with millions and millions of colourful flowers . There was a small rocky pathway in the middle . The entrance was covered with exotic creepers . This place was beautiful

"Wow !" I startled

"You like this place ?"

"I love it !" I squeaked in excitement and hugged him.

"Well let's go inside then"

We walked down the beautiful aisle together. This was how I exactly imagined my wedding walkway to be.

We sat across an old grey metallic bench which was in front of a pond. The pond was beautiful and was filled with aquatic plants and swans. I noticed two little children sitting on a patch of grass . One girl and one boy. They were feeding the swans , little crumbs of bread. I giggled at the scene.

"What happened love ?" Zayn asked

"Look at those two cute little kids there" I pointed towards those innocent faces .

"How cute !" Zayn admired "Baby, do you wanna feed the birds too?"

"I'd love too !" I said nodding really fast.


I got up and headed towards those kids.

"Hey buddy ! what are you doing ? " I greeted with a warm smile.

The girl was wearing a pretty pink frock and her golden blonde hair was tied in two pigtails. The boy wore cut off khaki pants and a plain blue shirt. He had dark brown eyes just like mine . Their tiny little hands were full of crumbs and their pockets were stuffed too.

"We are feeding the birds" He announced

"That sound great ! Would you mind handing me over a few crumbs? Me and that girl over there want to feed the swans too"

"Is that pretty girl your wife?" He asked innocently

"No buddy , Not yet !" I assured

"Okay then, take these " He handed me a few crumbs with his little hands.

I thanked him and went towards Kate.

"Here take these . Let's feed them"

We began feeding the little birds . Kate had a big bright smile on her face and I. could see she was enjoying a lot . After our little activity she spoke

"Well that was fun !"

"Sure of was, But you know what's more fun ?"

"What ?" She asked innocently

" This..." I tugged a loose strand of hair behind her ear and crashed my lips into her soft pink ones . Our lips moved in sync .We broke our kiss until we were out of breath. Our foreheads touched.

"I love you baby !" I spoke

"I love you too zaynie "

I heard a grumbling noise which I presumed was from her stomach.

"Looks like somebody is hungry " I joked.

" I kinda am"

"Okay then let's go eat something "


"What do you wanna eat ?" I asked her.

"Well my tummy wants 'Starbucks' but my mind says ' Costa Coffee'"

"We'll listen to the tummy then"

We opened the glass door and entered Starbucks . Luckily it wasn't very crowded .

"What do you want to have love ? I am having a blueberry muffin and a cup of hot coco "

"I'll have a chocochip muffin and a decafe"

"Sure thing , Diet freak " She playfully whacked my arm.

After collecting our orders from the counter we sat down on the cold wooden chairs .

" So did you tell your parents about our relationship ?" I asked

"Nope not yet  but I will tonight "

"That's a good thing . Do you have any idea on how they will react ?"

"I guess my dad will happily accept it , but its mom I am worried about . I am damn sure she would make a fuss about it. What about you ?"

Hopefully my mom would be quite happy about it "

"Aw.. Mumma wants Zaynie boy to fall in love ?" She said sheepishly

I laughed " Probably yes "

So tonight I am finally going to reveal it to my parents. Let's hope it goes well with Kate too !

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