Chapter 23- Beach

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The sun is shining up high and bright. The wind is blowing too and we are already at the beach .
I can hear the waves crashing at the shore and people are literally everywhere. Some are sunbathing, some are playing volleyball and some are busy taking a dip at the beach .
I adjust the strap of my polka dot bikini for the last time and get ready to take a refreshing dip .
Zayn suddenly comes out of nowhere and wraps his hands around my waist.
"I can't seem to identify what is more hotter , you or the sun ?" He whispers in my ears.
"Zayn Javadd Malik I've already had enough of your flirting and dirty talks back at our room . Now I want you to shut your dirty mouth up before I legit take a pledge of not kissing you the whole time we're here "
"This pledge scares me up. But I know you can't really keep it ."
"Oh yeah . Test me Malik ."
"Trust me baby you can't resist me " he winks at me .
"Zip up now. I am going to take a nice bath right now ."
"And I am gonna lie down here enjoying the Sun and the view of you taking a bath . But baby be careful I can already see some wild eyes checking you out  "
"Jealousy is such a bitch I tell you ." I wink at him and walk away swaying my hips in his direction. I turn around blow him a kiss and step inside the sea letting the water take over me .
After a nice refreshing dip , me and Zayn head to the beach bar. I order a berry blush for me while Zayn sticks to beer .
"Babe , did you talk to Samaria today ?" He asks out of the blue.
" nope not really . Why though ?"
" well apparently our little couple has adopted a new puppy love "
"What ? Really . Oh my god. That's so cute . What did they name it ?"
"Sheezy . It's actually a pug "
"Wow. Samy always wanted to have a pug as her pet ."
"And Jawaad always wanted to name his pet sheezy."
We laugh a little about this though and our drinks arrive .
Berry blush is actually another name for heaven . My favourite drink apparently.
My phone dings and I assume it's a call from work.
"Kate , dear I hope you do know that you have work appointments from the next week onwards."
"Yes , Mrs Claire I remember that very well. The next week seems to be very very busy ."
"Well that's the only thing I had to remind you about . How are your holidays going on. How's Bora Bora ?"
"My holidays are going on really nice. I am loving it here in bora Bora . This place is amazing ."
"That's great to know. Well I gotta go works calling. Take care "
"Alright goodbye."
I check some emails and then keep my phone down .
"Who was that ? "
"That was Mrs Claire . She had to remind me about the work appointments."
"You've got a hectic schedule after this don't you ?"
"Yup. A Really tight schedule . what about you ?"
" same . We've got to record the new album and stuff "
"It's really nice that we're here right now . I feel fresh and amazing "
"Me too. I really needed this holiday as well"
I was so glad both of us were enjoying this equally and having a great time together. This holiday is really helping us to improve our relationship as well .
Cheers to the madness 🍻

Back again with a short chapter .
Please don't kill me for this. I am really busy these days .
Stay tuned on my account there's a new surprise coming up for you guys 👀

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