Chapter 15- Parental Confessions

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Tonight is the night I dreaded . I was finally going to confess about my relationship to my mum and dad . honestly , its mom I am worried about . Whenever its a situation related to my happiness she makes sure she is the first one to ruin it . But this time I won't let her do it . Zayn is apparently my world now and Nothing will ever keep us apart .

After our little lunch at Starbucks we both went on a little shopping spree which resulted in both of us shopping till we couldn't stand any longer. We finally decided to head home for our little confessing event .

I was glad Zayn's parents won't make a mess about it because then it would turn out to be double the trouble . I couldn't say I was ready for this whole admitting thing but we had to before it gets too late. I gathered all the courage I had and picked up the phone.

The bell rang.

Or shall I say the death bell. But that would sound too cliché.

"Hello " I hear my mum say.

ZAYN'S POV *-----

Honestly I was a little excited today . Me and Kate spend a whole day together just being ourselves . This is what I like about her , I can just be my true self when I am around her . No fake personalities existed in our relationship because trust building is the most important thing.

I happily skipped like a 5 year old towards my house .

"Mom , I am back " I yelled.

I saw my whole family lying on the couch watching a family show with a tub of popcorn in the middle .

"Hell sunshine " My mom greeted " Care to explain where were you these days ?"

Finally -

"Okay listen up ," I started

"Iamdatingagirl" I said in one go.

"What ?" My sister asked with a confused look on her face

"I am dating a girl" As soon as these words left my mouth my sisters and my mom squeaked in excitement and charged towards me engulfing me in a bone - crushing hug . My dad had a big smile on his face.

"With whom?? " They shouted excitedly.

"Kate , the girl on the Cosmo cover with me "

"OMG ! I knew it you loved her !"

"My son has grown up " Dad said giving me a thumbs up .

" Bhai is getting married ." Safaa said running around the whole house . We all laughed.

"Not yet Safaa" I assured her .

"We wanna meet her like right now "

"I'll ask her if she wants to join us for lunch tomorrow . Does that sound good ?"

"Of course honey ! We'd love to meet the amazing girl who stole my boys heart away "

"Sure " I said smiling .

I am so happy right now . That went great . Hope Kate had a good time confessing too.

KATE'S POV *-----

"hey mom . How are you ?" I tried to sound cheerful.

"Honey , nice to hear from you . Where are you these days ?"

"Well I have something to tell you " I started .

"OMG Wait are you pregnant ?" She gasped .

"Oh god ! No mom "I shouted . How could she even think like that ? Her daughter does not go around taking one night stands .

"Then what" She sounded annoyed

"I am dating Zayn . He is my boyfriend now " I say . There is silence on the phone.

"Hello ? Mom ? Are you there ?"

"Oh yes , I am still there . How can I hang up on such a news ?"

"So what do you say ?"

" Since when did you start taking my opinions Kate ? " She sounded annoying again.

"I just wanted you to find out . I didn't want you guys to know about it through the paps "

"Well then if this is your decision then let me tell you that I am a bit disappointed by your choice and as for your father , He is happy . Good bye and good night Kate"

and she just hung up .

Strange !

That didn't go that bad , did it ?

My phone lit up and I noticed that it was message from Zayn .

'Hey ! How did the confession go ? Xx <3 '

I replied

'Okay I guess. My dads happy but mom isn't . Who's keen on her happiness anyway ? What about you ? Xoxo'

He replied

'Mine went absolutely great. They are so happy right now . Well I got to go . Good night baby . I love you <3 Xx'

I replied

'Sounds great ! I love you too . Goodnight'

I locked my phone and kept it down . I pushed the duvets over me and let the sleep take over .

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