Chapter 17- Giggles and Playfullness

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KATE'S POV *-----

We both were deeply lost in each other. The kiss was so magical . Our intimate moment was interrupted by the door squeak and a couple of innocent giggles and hushes . When we saw the door we looked at 3 pairs of eyes peeping through the door . Zayn opened the door and it revealed his three sisters standing there.

"Having a pretty intimate moment ain't ya ?" His sister Doniya teased. A blush crept on my face and Zayn was smirking .

"What to do ? when you have a beautiful girl like mine you can't really control can ya ?" He winked and hugged from behind placing his chin on my shoulders .

"Aw..."His sisters cooed

" Come let me show you around more " I got up and followed .

"Make sure you guys see the whole house without practically sticking your tongue in each others throats " Waliyha commented

"I can't make promises . Sorry can't help it. She is too beautiful to resist and what's the bonus ? She's mine " Zayn smirked .

I playfully whacked his arm . His sisters giggled from behind .

After I saw his beautiful house we made ourselves comfortable on the sofas .

"Are you two gonna have children soon ?" Safaa asked which caused us to erupt into a series of laughter .

"Not yet Safaa " Zayn ensured.

"Dinners ready " His mom announced .

I was really hungry right now . Zayn and me took our seats and soon everybody joined .

"I've made butter chicken , biryani , nuggets and curry chicken with some Indian breads . Does that sound good Kate ?"

"Absolutely . I love the menu already "

"So do you cook sometimes Kate ?" His dad asked.

"Yes , I do sometimes . mostly authentic Indian stuff"

" And she is an incredible chef . The dinner was amazing that day " Zayn added .

"Then we can surely share some cooking tips . Don't you think ?"

"Sure , we can do that " I replied with a warm smile .

The lunch went on chatting and getting to know each other . I was lost in the talks Until a hand held mine beneath the table. I looked down and it was Zayn's . He was practically holding my hand like I was going somewhere . I gave him a 'What-are-you-doing-look' and he mouthed an 'I love you '. I smiled .

Pretty soon he started messing with my feet and I did not back up.

Let the war begin Malik !

We were into our world until ...

"Zayn and Kate are holding each others hands and are playing footsie beneath the table " Safaa announced .

The whole table erupted into a fit of laughter except us . We both were tomato red . We left each others hands and pretended as if nothing happened .

The night finally came to an end after a long string of happy goodbyes .

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