Chapter 6- Office Talks

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I woke up with a massive headache ! oh god ! I have been drinking too much lately . I removed the covers and took some aspirin. I noticed that Zayn was sleeping on the other side. My phone buzzed and I saw that it was a text from Samaira . A thought of her made me smile. My mind drifted towards yesterdays flashbacks.


Yesterday Night

Samaira was sitting on my lap and her head was resting on my chest.

"I know I have said it before but I am in love with you Samaira !"

She gave me a warm smile and pecked on my cheeks .

"I love you too Jawaad !"


I realised that I was in a relationship with her. Then suddenly I remembered the parking lot scene where I accidentally mentioned that Kate and Zayn both like each other . I hope that made matters better .Honestly I want them too be in a relationship too. Zayn has had enough alone time and its the correct moment to find his girl. I immediately opened the msg

"Hi Love ! Good morning ! I know you probably have a big headache now, well me too !? strange ;) Meet me at Starbucks at 5:00p.m ! <3 Take care ! forever your's Sammy ^_^"

That message made me smile . She is such a beautiful girl.

Suddenly I saw Zayn stirring in his bed

ZAYN'S POV *-----

I woke up with a heavy head . As my eyes opened I saw Jawaad already sitting in his bed with his phone in his hand and he was smiling , staring at the screen. When he saw me waking up he said

"Good Morning !" and flashed a big smile

"Good Morning buddy ! what are you grinning about early in the morning ?"

"Its a text from my girl Sammy !"

"Oh ! I guess the lovebirds are chirping in the morning" I said with a huge smile.

"Yeah ! think so ! um.. Zayn I am sorry if my statement last night made matters bad"

"What ? no not at all. She actually smiled . And you know what we are trying to take our strange relationship one step forward and I wanna thank you for that"

"Oh well that's a good thing to know !"

"I know ! well I better get ready I have to go to the Cosmo office today !!" I literally jumped.

"Ooooo !! Go get ready my handsome man ! win your lady love !"

"Ha ! sure !" I smirked

Time to look Handsome Malik ! time to go for my Bradford bad boy attire

KATE'S POV*------

I don't why but I was greeting a feeling that today will be special for me. I stirred in my bed and took a shower quickly . As I walked out of the shower with wet hair My phone rang. It was a text from Mrs. Clarie

"Good Morning Kate ! sorry to disturb you early in the morning but I just wanted to tell you that Zayn will be coming to the office today for the launch of the new edition of the magazine. So , please bring the required shoots along !"

Wow ! what a great start to the day ! Zayn will be in the office ! I glanced at my watch and it was already 8:30 I had to leave by 9:15 .

I wore a Stripped pink and white strapless dress paired with a pair of sexy black Lacey heels. I made a puff and a high pony and applied light make up.

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