Chapter 8- Family Drives

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Authors Note
A quick update this time :)This chapter is gonna be much about Zate <3
A Very Happy birthday to my best friend and partner in crime - Aashna :) Hope you have a great day !
Well back to the story. You know the drill
Follow me on -
Twitter - @Khyati_ZM
Ship Zate forever <3


KATE'S POV *----

Its been 2 days since I last saw Zayn . Its Sunday today, so I decided to lay in my bed and spend some solitude time by watching romantic movies and eating ice - cream. I am a total mess and romantic movies along with chocochip ice cream makes me feel a lot better. As I woke up from the bed , I decided to be in my comfortable unicorn pajamas. I made Pancakes for myself along with strawberry syrup and whipped cream toppings. I carefully dug on my food, trying not to spoil my unicorn pajamas .My phone buzzed , I noticed that it was a message from Samaira

-"Hey Love ! What's up ? You must be having a usual lazy Sunday . Well I just wanted to tell you that me and Jawaad are going to 'ISkate' Wanna join ?

P.S- It would be good if you don't since me and Jawaad really wanna spend some time together.

P.S.S- if you are coming then you can bring Zayn along."

Oh god ! This Samaira will never get enough of Jawaad . I had already planned to spend my Sunday in the bed , being the lazy ass I am . So I decided to ditch the plan.

"Babe, I am actually having a pajama Sunday filled with movie time and ice cream. I ditch the plan.

P.S - I would have anyways, I really don't appreciate being stuck between two lovebirds"

But her mentioning Zayn made me smile. After our so called 'Date' we haven't really met, he just texted me a few times and I replied. So , basically texting took place and nothing much.

I placed my phone down and resumed eating . I decided to watch 'The Notebook' I took a big box of tissue papers as I know I will eventually cry a lot. Its indeed an amazing film and it always brings tears to my eyes.

ZAYN'S POV *----

I am currently sitting on the couch fighting with the remote in order to find a suitable channel . Ugh ! There is no interesting sitcom left so I decide to stick to "2 and a half men".

I was literally laughing my ass off on a comedy scene till I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw my mum standing there as if she was ready to go somewhere.

" Yes Mom ?"

"Sunshine , you're on a holiday and you decide to spend to your morning eating breakfast alone sitting in front of the t.v ? Where are your family values ?"

"Sorry Mom" I mumbled . My mom always wanted me to be a family oriented guy, so she actually tried hard to instill those values in me ,despite me being a young lad of 25.

"Me , Waliyha , Doniya and Safaa are going to the neighbourhood town for shopping . Wanna accompany us ?"

"Sure thing. But what about dad ?"

"He is fine with work I guess ! His so called new job does not allow him to be with the family !"

"Oh ! fine " My mom wasn't actually happy with the fact that my dad spends lesser family time these days since he is so engrossed in his work.

I took my red sweatshirt and followed the girls outside.

"I'll drive !" Doniya exclaimed

"No ! I will. I never really get to drive on London roads" I usually didn't . Only in the case of taking Kate out for a dinner.

That reminds me that it has exactly been 2 days since we last met physically. Though we texted each other a few times.

"Ohk its decided - Doniya gets to drive now and Zayn after we come back"

"Yes !" Doniya screamed

"Happy sister - blister? " I said with an annoying tone.

"Extremely !"

We got in the car and the drive began. We turned on the radio and were continuously humming tunes by - Eric Cliption , The Beatles , Bruce Spingston Etc.

After about 15 min. or so we reached a long stretched road also known as the 'Cosmo Treeds' This was the way one usually takes while going to the big building made of glass. And by that glass building I mean the Cosmo office. As I was lost in my thoughts Waliyha shook me hard to retrieve my senses.

"Ow..." I smacked "What happened Waliyha ?"

"Look at the board " She replied literally jumping.

My eyes gazed at a big board that was in front of us. It read -


A big picture of me and Kate on the cover was flashing. A blush , a smirk and a creepy smile appeared on my face.

"OMG ! Zayn that's incredible !" Doniya shouted.

"Yeah ! Bhai (Brother in Hindi) Looks so good."

"Thanks" I exclaimed

I could see Waliyha continuously smirking at me.

"Who's that girl Zayn ?" Mom asked

My love mom, the girl who stole your sons heart away. But of course I wouldn't say that .

"She is the cover girl for the Cosmo mag."

"Oh ! she is pretty "

I know mom ! I know.

I decided to send a text to Kate about that.

'- Hey I was just passing through the Cosmo treeds and I found the board. Its amazing ! Xx'

And send.

I eagerly waited for the reply but I never got one. We finally reached our destination and we headed towards the store 'Topshop' . My sisters have a thing for top shop. Even I like that brand.

Suddenly by phone started to ring . Caller ID - Kate :)

"Hello " I picked it up.

"Heyy!" Said a beautiful voice on the other side if the line .

"Good morning ! hope you read my message !"

"Yes I did . You saw the board ? How was it ? am I looking good ? How big is it? "

"Um..okay one by one . Yes I did see the board and its huge. Of course you are looking beautiful . Everyone admires it already !" I smiled.

"Thank god ! Goodness me ! now I can relax"

"Having a great day off ?"

"Yeah a lazy Sunday , I'd rather say "

"Same here , but its just that I am helping my sisters and my mom with shopping "

"Oh ! what a family oriented guy! Ha !. Well Samaira and Jawaad are going to Iskate today"

"Yeah ! I got a message too "

"Oh ! its actually nice to see them spending some time together isn't it ?"

"Of course "

"So do you have any plans for today evening ?"

"No not at all !"

"So do you wanna come over for dinner at my place ?"

" You cook ?"

"Yeah I do ! authentic Indian cuisines !"

"Wow ! that's amazing. Sure I'll join in "

"Gee ! thanks. See you at 7 in the evening gentlemen "

"Sure thing . Good bye "

"Good bye "

OKay ! what just happened ? can somebody pinch me? Or atleast slap me before I die of excitement !

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