Chapter 27 - Testing Relationships

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" What ?" I yell. " Zayn, are you out of your mind ? What are you even saying? I am not a doll that can be thrown around and played with . I have emotions too. I can't  fall in love  just like that . I am not a paperdoll !"
" Baby, please think about it . We need to prove it to your mom and dad that we are a strong couple and that we can't live without each other , and if not anything else then this challenge can actually test our relationship and we can know where we both actually stand." He explains.
I think for a while.
Trying to contemplate what Zayn just said. Maybe he's right this challenge can actually test our feelings for each other . We can really know , if whether what we both have in between us are real emotions of not.
" Alright. I agree with this then. "
" Good. It's the best for both of us baby."
He looks at me with pain in his eyes. I know that deep down he does not want this to take place . He fears that he'll loose me. 
He's probably scared that alexis may make me fall in love with him but I know that this can't be true.
I'll never fall for a guy like him. I mean he's cute and stuff but certainly not my type.
I do not need an educated and successful man for myself , just a normal guy who loves me very much will do.
I look at my mom and she just sits there sipping her tea.
" Alright then . Alexis and you may go to your room and have a little talk and as for you gentlemen , I need you to leave this apartment and set foot here only when the challenge is over. " my mom says pointing to Zayn.
I feel my heart breaking. My mom is practically throwing my boyfriend out of my apartment.
" I'll certainly leave then."
I look at him with sad eyes . Tears brimming near the ends.
As soon as he turns around I follow him out.
He hold my hand and then gently cups my face.
"Don't cry baby. You know I'll never stop loving you . Nothing can keep us apart and stop me from seeing you. I'll still meet you everyday and call you like I always do. We'll FaceTime each other whenever possible . I know we'll make it through this period. I have faith in our relationship. "
I hum in response . He gently kisses on my lips and then says a final goodbye leaving through the gate.

Hello .
I just posted another book on my profile . Go check it out . I am sure you'll love it.
More updates soon.
Khyati xoxo

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