Lets Break Each Others Heart-Chapter-Fourteen

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We remained frozen neither of us moved. The picture we were staring at was horrifying. Janely's pale body laid on the tube, her wrist were wide open and her neck had cuts around the main arteries.

I ran towards her, throwing her body out of the tube. "Janely wake up" I whispered. Jeydon didn't move he just stood there shocked.

"Jeydon go get help!" I screamed. But he didn't move. "Jeydon move goddamit!"

"I killed her" He whispered. I stared at him confused. What was he talking about?

"Jeydon go get help!" I commanded. Jeydon didn't respond he just stood there once again. I lower my head on Janely's chest and I could only hear a slow heartbeat.

Sandra eyes pop out when she sees Janely. She falls to her knees and cries beside her.

"Sandra she's alive but if we don't call a ambulance she is going to die!"

"I called an ambulance they are on their way" I heard Alijah say. I look down at my hands, they were covered by Janely's blood.

I pulled my jackets off and the black dressy shirt I had on I tore off a chunk. I wrapped it around my knuckles and slowly covered Janely's wrists.

Paramedics arrived immediately and they take Janely away. Everyone leaves and only Jeydon and I are left alone in the room. I stood up and I walk towards him.

I wrap my arms around his torso and pull him in. He bursts out in tears. I tried not to cry, I kept telling myself I couldn't. But who was I kidding I has to cry, I had just witness a suicide.

"I killed her Aldabella. I killed her." He sobbed. I wiped my tears away. I had to calm down. If Jeydon was crying and I was too we weren't going to help anyone here.

I grab his chin and pull his head down, so I could see him better. "You didn't kill her!"

He nodded. "I did. I told her to go die somewhere"

"Why would you tell her that?" I said angrily.

"Because I don't know. I was upset okay. I can't have you, I can't keep living with myself, I want everything how it used to be!" he cried.

"Hey, hey calm down Jeydon" I whispered soothing him. "Everything will be okay, I promise baby"

I took him to his room and I laid him down. I sat beside him soothing him until he feel asleep. Everything was going to be alright, I hoped.

The house was quiet when I walked out his room but sitting down on the stairs was Alex and Krissy. They stared at me.

"Jeydon is shocked. I gave him sleeping pills he should be knocked out the entire night" I told Krissy.

She nodded. "Thank you"

"When he wakes up give him hot tea. It'll calm him down. Also make him take a long shower" I told her.

"Okay, thank you Aldabella" she whispered.

"Just don't leave him alone please" I told her. I walk down the stairs with Alex behind me. My body felt like a zombie I wasn't sure what I was doing anymore. I was finally breaking myself.

As soon as we stepped inside the car I broke down crying. I was afriad. So afriad. Alex hugs me tight but he didn't comfort me. Jeydon would always hug me and say things to me to make me feel better. But maybe tonight no one felt good.

I glanced at the clock and it was already midnight. It was a new year, but it had started the worst way possible. I had gone through another year without Jeydon.

When we arrived home Alex took me inside. He laid me on my bed. "Sweetie you should take a shower. Your covered with Janely's blood"

I looked down and my clothes and hands were smothered with her blood. "I don't want too" I whispered turning my back towards him. He sighed. He picked me up and carried me to the tub.

"Don't take a shower just wash the blood off" he said. I nodded.

I laid my head on the edge of the tub and closed my eyes.

"Aldabella" I heard someone whisper. I wanted to open my eyes but I just couldn't they felt so heavy.


I felt someone pick me from the tub and they carried me away. My bare skin hits my sheets, I was aware of what was going on but my mind kept drifting to it's wanted sleep.

The person helped me but on my clothes then they tucked me in my bed. I curled myself into a small ball and before I knew it I fell back asleep.


My phone buzzed all over the nightstand until it fell on my floor. I drop my hand to the ground and picked up.

"Hello?" I said huskily. "I'm on my way" I jumped out of bed grabbing my purse and keys. I wasn't sure what was going on. Krissy called me crying and said to come over quick.

I tighten my hand around the steering wheel as I tried going as I fast as I could. My heart was pounding terribly, why had she called me? Especially, at four in the morning.

I placed my hand under my shirt and massage my chest. My heart was hurting. As I pulled in the driveway I see Krissy and Alijah standing outside.

"What's going on?" I asked as I ran over to them.

Alijah grabs my shoulder. "You have to promise me Aldabella that you won't freak out! nor something stupid!" he commanded.

"Just spit it out" I screamed.

Alijah and Krissy stared at each other then at me. "Its about Janely and Jeydon they...."

100 fans whooo! I'm super duper happy. Thank you so much to everyone.

I was able to upload so enjoy! Please can I get 30- maybe 50 votes it's that spot to ask for?? Hope not. I hope you liked my cliffhanger(: muahH so I'm sorry it's sort but like I promise 100 fans= 3 chapters in 1 I will try to upload one more chapter before uploadingnthe three in one.





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