Lets Break Each Others Heart-Chapter-Thrity-Five

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They say when something dramatic happens to you, time goes slow. Very slow. For me my world stop turning, what was the point for it to even move? Aldabella was dead and it was all my fault. If I would’ve seen the text message before we would’ve been here on time.

My body reacted on it’s own but my brain felt like it shut off completely. I was holding back Mitchi as she cried out for Aldabella. Firefighters began controlling the fire, I waited there. I waited for Aldabella to step out of that building. I was praying to all the gods to let her walk out of there alive.

Finally, Mitchi stopped screaming she turned around glancing at me. She wraps her arms around me and I wasn’t sure why. Wasn’t it suppose to be me who hugged her? She lost her best friend? But I lost my sister and instead of screaming and running into the flames I’m standing here frozen.

Mitchi pulls my face down. Her bright brown eyes sparkled sadly into my eyes. She wiped the tears that were falling from my face with her thumb. This had to be a dream, all of this was all a nightmare. Paramedics walked towards us leading us into a ambulance. They checked Mitchi tying her up to a IV.

I stared at the metal doors, I wanted them to open so badly. Come on Aldabella, your alive I can feel it. You said death has nothing on you. Prove yourself right, walk out of those doors!


My lungs ached as I tried taking in deep breathes. I kept commanding my body to move to get up but it wasn’t listening. I was too tired, to weak, and to sick to care. The flames were burning everything around us yet they hadn’t managed to burn us.

Jeydon stares at me. He was done trying, it was written all over his face. He was just ready to die the same way I was. “Get up,” He whispered. I shook my head. I couldn’t do it. I didn’t want to.

“Get up! You can do it,” He commanded.

“I cant I’m too tired,” I coughed. I hear him growl, he picks himself up. He walks over to me pulling me up immediately. I tried fighting with him, I couldn’t walk my body was just collapsing already. We lean each other’s weight on one another making sure neither of us would collapse.

We walked slowly into the flames. Our skin sizzled against the flames, I glanced at Jeydon noticing he wouldn’t jerk his skin away from the fire. His hand tighten around my waist as he began coughing.

“Come on Jeydon, We are almost there,” I whispered to him. I put all his weight on top of me and I dragged both of us out of the warehouse. In the moment I opened the door Jeydon and I both fall to the ground coughing.

I took in fresh air letting my lungs try to fill themselves up. Paramedics came up to us, they helped us up. “Alijah! Alijah!” I screamed out to him. He jumped out of the ambulance and he came running to me. I jumped on top of him digging my face in his shoulder. Tears were rolling down my face, I never felt the urge to hug Alijah so badly until that moment.

“You scared me!” He whispered.

“I scared myself too,” I mumbled .

Jeydon was taken inside a ambulance where paramedics were giving him air. His dark eyes flickered at me before closing. I twirl over to Mitchi her eyes were glued down to my stomach, I glanced down and I saw this dark spot on my shirt. I ran my hand through it and it was full of blood.

“Shit,” I whispered.


Mitchi and I stared at the dark spot that was appearing on Aldabella shirt. She glances down and runs her hand through it only to reveal her hand cover in blood. She automatically faints. I catch in time, I place down on the grass.

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