Lets Break Each Others Heart-Chapter-Thirty-One

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I hate Mitchi. I hate Alijah. And I HATE Alex! This wasn’t fair at all. Everyone was going to prom except me! What type of fiancé do I have? What if he stands me up on our wedding?

Mary sighs sadly sitting down next to me. She grabs my hands holding them tight with hers. “What are you doing here?” She questioned me.

“Enjoying my prom,” I mumbled. She rolls her eyes.

“Why arent you at the Plaza having fun with your friends?”

“Because my fiance stood me up,” I responded, anger boomed in my voice.

“Go alone,” She responded.

Go alone? How was I going to do that? I didn’t want to enter that hotel without anyone by my side. Well you would’ve gone with Mitchi, Alijah, and Jeydon but you always make things complicated. I growled at myself.

“Remember what I told you last time you came?” Mary asked me.

“I need to let Jeydon go and if he comes back he was meant to be with me?” She shook her head in disagreement.

“That the next time you came in here I was going to make you sweep,” She smirked at me. I chuckled. I knew what she was telling me to do.

“You know Aldabella Jeydon’s always going to be there for you,” She informed me. I knew that already. Jeydon would always be there no matter what he was a part of me.

“I know,”

“Are you sure? Because I still see a engagement ring on your finger,” I heard Mary say.

I glanced down at it. I sigh. “It’s been feeling super heavy on my hand lately and I’m not sure why,” I told her honestly.

She stand up walking towards me. Mary grabs my hand pulling off the ring from my finger. She opens my hand placing the ring on top of my palm.

“It’s not a decision that need to be made now you know,” She stated. I nodded. But how could I tell Alex I wasn’t sure if I could do this? We had everything planned out. I cant just walk away like that.

“But Alex I’ll brake his heart,” I responded to her. She takes off the necklace that is around my neck and places the ring inside.

“You don’t necessarily have to wear it do you?” She smiled.

I give her a hug. “Thank you,” I whispered. She patted my back.

“You will end up giving me a heart attack one of these days with your love game,” She laughed. “Now run along I have to close up,”

I closed the door behind me. Mary was right, I can go to prom alone. I don’t care what people think this is my prom and I have the right to enjoy it with someone.



I sigh heavily as my chest begins to hurt. I had been looking for Aldabella for nearly two hours now. I looked all over for her but I couldn’t find her.

For a minute I thought I was going to find her on the bridge but I didn’t. No one was here. Where in the hell is she?

My phone buzzes in my pocket. “Hello?”

“Jeydon, have you found her?” Alijah asks me.

“No,” I said frustrated.

“She hasn’t came to the Plaza either. Just come to the Plaza she probably left town for the night,” He tells me.

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