Lets Break Each Others Heart-Chapter-Twenty-Four

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"Get out of the damn car!” Alijah screamed, pulling my arms out. I pushed him away, slamming the door in his face. I told them I wasn’t going to go to the courthouse. My dad glared at me.



“I’m not getting out of the car! I will not be in the same room as that woman,” I spat, crossing my arms across my chest. The car door opened and my dad grabed me by the waist and threw me over his shoulder.



“I don’t have time to play five year old games Aldabella,” He grumbled as Alijah chuckled softly. I groaned. This wasn’t fair!

We entered the court room and every once in awhile, I tried to make a run for it but Alijah would grab me in time, slamming me on the chair.



The wooden doors opened and I turned to see my ex-mother walking in, wearing a nice business suit. She glanced around, and when she was us sitting on the bench, she gave me a death glare.So now it made sense! This was her way of punishing me for kicking her butt.



My dad's lawyer escorted us to the front of the courtroom. We sat there for awhile, waiting for the judge to arrive. My ex-mother and I kept on having a death glare contest. I felt my eye twitch again, . Just as I was about to open my mouth and tell her exactly what I thought about her, the judge walked in. I crossed my arms again, grumbling under my breath.



“Alright, give me the case folder,” The judge said, sitting down. She seemed like she was frustrated already. Hopefully, she would see the evil inside my mother and not let her see us anymore.



“First off, let's start with the divorce. Are you two going to want to split up the house, money, and cars?” She questioned my parents. My dad shook my head and so did my ex-mother.



The judge nodded happily. “Alright, then you just made my job ten times easier. So now the custody rights. Why ask for them? The children are nearly eighteen.” She asked my ex-mother.



My mother stood up and glanced at us then at the judge. “Your honor, I believe I deserve to cherish the moments left I have with my children. Soon enough they will be leaving to college and I wont be able to see them,” She said innocently. I rolled my eyes.


“Bullshit,” I growled.


The judge glances at me. “Pardon?”


I looked up at her and smiled. “I said bullshit,”.


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