|29| - Teen Fic/Fanfic

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I'm literally gagging at how unoriginal and repetitive the stories are in these shitty ass section.

I can't believe I used to read many of the sorry excuses of Teen Fiction in that horrible, gag-worthy portion of Wattpad.

It's literally filled with "The Bad Boy..." and "The Nerd..." cliches and I'm sick of it! They all have the same fucking story line, just with different, generic white fuckboy names!

Literally they all go like:

"Oh my gosh, I hate it that (insert fuckboy name) is bullying me! What have I done wrong? It's probably because I'm sooooooooo ugly! (Insert MODEL'S photo here)."


"The jock made my friend CRY so I went up to him and SLAPPED him! Now he won't stop bothering me and following me! What EVER shall I do???"

Also, what is up with the covers? Half of them look like they were made by a ten year old on some stupid program like Fotor or some other shitty free cover making app. I look at them and CRY. How the fuck did you get so many reads with shitty ass covers? You're writing must make up for that GARBAGE I see on the screen before I even open the book. Don't even get me started on people who don't SCALE THEIR COVERS TO THE RIGHT SIZE AND I JUST SEE A ZOOMED IN PIECE OF TRASH.

I also see a lot of "Thug..." books and I just want to throw my laptop out of the window. Can you write a story where the main character (who is a PoC) DOESN'T get knocked up by a "thug" and has his kids at 16? Can you write a story that's NOT stereotyping about "hoes" and "pimps"? Can you actually write a decent story that doesn't adhere to the labels and assumptions society puts on you?


In the Fanfiction section, all I see is 1D fanfiction. Why the fuck is there still 1D fanfiction? They broke up! If you haven't gotten the memo, a majority of people don't like 1D. Gasp! It's true! Go sob about how they broke up and how devastated you are ELSEWHERE. Go weep about how your 11 year old heart can't bear to see them apart ELSEWHERE. Don't shitpost and spam the fanfiction section. Don't even get me started on how much of that crappy Larry fiction is on there.

I also see 5SOS fanfiction. I'm restraining the urge to rant about them, but I have some friends that like 5SOS, so I'm going to tone it down (not really).


Yes, they're talented. Yes, they have some good songs. But they rip off so many other artist's styles, it's physically pains me (that time they took a sample for Sugar, We're Going Down). They want to be like All Time Low so badly and it's laughable because for one, people outside of the fandom (like me) take them about as seriously as One Direction.

Oh, and I heard their cover of Green Day. Hah! They're so cute, trying to sound as good as Green Day. I saw a bunch of 5SOS fans flooding the Green Day music video of the song saying that "they copied the 5SOS song" and I cried laughing.

Such ignorance. Much credibleness. Wow.

Can I see some Marvel fanfiction that's popular? Can I see some Youtuber fanfiction that's popular? Can I at least see some book character fanfiction? Is that too much to ask?

If I see hate for my opinion, I will most likely laugh because to be honest, you can defend them all you want and I still won't change my mind.

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