I personally like people who wear little to no makeup - just my preference. However, I would never tell someone what to do or what not to do with their faces/lives just because I have this opinion.
There's one type of person that makes me oh-so very angry - people who spend hundreds of dollars/blow all their money on makeup and literally not being able to live without it.
There are a couple people like that in my school and it's annoying as fuck because they talk about how they spend $100-$300 dollars every time they walk into Sephora or order online and literally have 15 pouches of makeup in their backpacks. You know what all that weight is? Not textbooks. MAKEUP.
There are also people who look exactly the same with just concealer on. When I say exactly, I MEAN EXACTLY THE SAME. I was discussing this with my other friend and they were saying that this happens when you don't contour correctly. Is this true? Makeup people comment please.
There are people who are super ungrateful, too. When their significant other spends so much money on makeup , they have the NERVE to be like, "ew I don't like it" or "IT'S NOT COLORED ENOUGH" when they spend HOURS SENDING YOU PICTURES OF SWATCHES.
I swear I would cry if my significant other takes time and money to buy me something I love. Even if it's not exactly what I wanted, I would shower them in hugs and kisses and tell them how awesome them are. Why? Because I fucking care.
I honestly find people who talk about makeup 24/7 generally annoying. Do you not have a life outside of fucking Urban Decay and Better Than Sex mascara??
Comment. Vote. Do whatever.
Teen Idle
Random[FKA: Colored Lines] ❝I wanna be an idle teen...❞ This is my excuse to rant and rave about oh-so-fun topics and for you to agree/disagree with my opinions. ~Updated sporadically~