Red Like Vampire Food!!

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"It's so pretty," Frank squeals as they bounce up and down infront of Gerard. They stare up at the crazy mass of vibrant red hair on Gerard's head. A smile graces his face as the younger rings their hands together almost nervously.

They tentatively grab at their boyfriend's hand and drag him into their room and sit him down on their big fluffy bed. They crawl into his lap and continue to gawk at his hair, their hands fidgeting with excitement but also hesitation.

"You can touch it," Gerard announces and he can see the way Frank's eyes light up. With permission Frank runs a hand through the neon locks pulling them away from Gerard's head so they could see the bright color in the light.

"Pretty," Frank repeats. They sit up higher and card their hands through Gerards hair, gently tugging and scratching at his scalp. Some of the fresh hair dye bleeds onto their fingers when they pull their hands away but they don't care.

"It's red like those things!" Frank flails their arms vaguely miming something. The sleeve of their too big cardigan swing loosely as they wave their arms up and down.

"Red like... a fire truck?" Gerard guesses. Frank shakes their head quickly making their long black hair tangle up. They put their hands in front of their mouth to make fangs and hiss at Gerard. He raises his eyebrow skeptically before guessing again. "A vampire?"

"Yeah like the vampire food...uhh,"


Frank nods and bounces in his lap. The bottom of their cardigan floats up and down with every jump and Gerard can't help but look at the younger's bare shaven thighs. Frank was a lazy little one most of the time but when it came to keeping up appearances they were always clean shaven and well kept.

Gerard ran a hand over the skin exposed between the black thigh highs Frank wore and the batman undies they had on.

"I'm glad you like it Frankie," Gerard says. Frank smiles at him and quickly pecks him on the lips. Gerard smiles back at them and leans his head on Franks bra covered chest. Gerard never understood why their faefriend wore pushup bras for the miniscule amount of breast they had. Frank had the smallest pudge on their chest from constantly squeezing and groping at their own breasts throughout the years, trying to make them bigger, and while they succeeded there still wasn't enough to give them a proper a-cup. Nonetheless, they wore bras almost everyday and since Frank liked it, Gerard did too.

"Of course I like it! You look like Ariel," Suddenly, Frank gasps and pulls Gerard from their chest to look him in the eyes.

"Can we please watch the Little Mermaid?" Frank begged. Gerard groaned playfully and gave Frank a fake pout.

"Aww, Frankie. I wanted to take you out today."

"We can go out later, I promise! Please?" Frank was getting Frantic at this point, starting to bounce rapidly in Gerard's lap again. Gerard gives Frank puppy dog eyes and Frank send them right back ten fold.

"Pretty please with sugar and sprinkles on top?" Frank asks with a small voice; the one they always use to get their way. Gee smirks at them.

"Okay, but I want my sugar first,"

Frank giggles and calls Gerard a nerd before bringing their lips together. The kiss is tender and sweet and Frank feels like they're melting as Gerard runs his delicate fingers over Frank's spine. Gerard pulls away when it starts to feel like Frank is going to collapse in his arms from content, if that's possible.

"Go put the movie in, Frankie," Gerard commands before patting Frank's bum, trying to coax him off his lap. Frank complies and quickly makes their way to the tv before flipping it on.

Meanwhile, Gerard gets up from the bed and searches for some of the extra pillows and blankets Frank keeps hidden away in their closet. He grabs a pair of lady bug pillows and a big comforter with cats printed on it. Gerard knew it was Frank's favorite blacket to cuddle in. The pillows are spread over the bed along with all the other pillows and stuffies Frank keeps there and Gerard positions them perfectly so Frank can snuggle with him.

Frank returns from the tv and heads over to the window, closing the blinds and putting the black out curtains in place before jumping into bed with their boyfriend.

"I love cuddles with my favorite stuffie!" Frank squeals when Gerard pulls them into a hug.

"Who's your favorite stuffie, kitty?"

Frank blushes and tucks their nose into Gerard's neck. Little kisses patch the older's throat and collar bone as Frank giggles.

"Gee is my favorite stuffie," Frank mumbles into Gerard's soft skin.Gerard smiles and kisses the crown of Frank's head.

When the opening song starts playing, signaling the start of the movie, Frank sqeaks before pecking Gee one last time and turning to face the screen.

Gerard doesn't pay much attention to the cartoon movie he's seen a thousand times. Instead, he watches the way Frank's smile wavers and changes throughout the course of the film. Pearly little teeth peak out from their smile everytime a song starts and dig into their full pink lip as they try not to sing. Warm, soft hands fiddle with Gerard's as Frank absent mindedly plays with the olders fingers.

Gerard feels unbelievably close to Frank in this moment. In their dark room at 9 in the morning with the smallest 17 year old in Jersey burrowed under a mountain of stuffed animals and pillows Gerard discovers that he doesn't want to spend his life with anyone else. All he could ever want in life is currently humming along to poor unfortunate souls and fiddling with his hands.

"I love you," Gerard thinks out loud. He's not even aware he actually said anything until Frank looks over their shoulder at him. Gerard thinks that there may be an entire galaxy sparkling in Frank's eyes as they stare up at him. They don't speak at first, just search Gerard's slightly dazed eyes for something. For what; Gerard doesn't know.

"It's been so long..." Frank says just above a whisper. "Since someone's said that."

Gerard doesn't know what to say. Luckily Frank saves him from probably saying something idiotic by kissing him. It's probably the most gentle kiss they've ever had; their lips just barely pressing against each other. After a moment, Frank pulls away and just looks at Gerard.

"I love you too, Gerard."

After their little heartfelt moment, they watch the movie cuddled together and by the time the credits roll it's 11 o'clock. Frank is still laying with their back to Gerard's chest and satring vacantly at the screen. This worries Gerard slightly. Normally, after Frank has watched an entire princess movie they want to play dress up with Gerard but now they're just laying in a heap on the bed silently.

"Frankie?" Gerard whispers in the now quiet room. Frank shifts to look over their shoulder but doesn't speak.

"Are you okay, kitty?" Frank doesn't answer, just rolls back over to face the black screen of the television.

"I fell out of little space," frank says suddenly. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize for that. You don't have to be little all the time. It's fine, Frankie."

Warm lips cover Gerard's as soon as he stops talking. More sweet kisses come one after another as they lay in darkness. Soon Frank ends up kissing Gerard's neck leaving a series if purpleing bruises on his throat and shoulders. Frank really loves giving Gerard hickeys, it may be their favorite part of kissing. However, they can only be satisfied with kisses for so long. After a while, they stop making Gerard's skin blotchy and just relishes in the feeling of being wrapped in the older's arms.

"Love you a lot," Frank mumbles into Gerard's chest. "Do you still want to go out?"

Gerard smiles as he strokes a hand through Frank's dark hair.

"Of course."


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