Pale Flesh

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Pre-dating. Gerard is just a babysitter for little 14 yo Frank

"It's gonna be okay Frank," Gerard murmurs tiredly into a mess of black hair.

A hard shake racks through the small body currently curled in Gerards lap. Sobs and coughs come from the smaller teenager as they cling onto their caretaker's chest. They'd been crying nonstop for a good 15 minutes now and Gerard was exhausted trying to soothe the overgrown child. It was hot with the two smushed so close on Frank's bed under the thick comforter. Still, shivers raged through Frank's body which made Gerard worry. Nightmares always seemed to get Frank so riled up.

"I want my mama," Frank whimpers. Gerard rubs smooth circles onto their back and place a kiss into their hair. That seems to help Frank's panicking a bit.

"I know, Frankie. I know," Gerard rocks Frank in his arms. "I promise to keep you safe until she gets here."

"No no no! I wanna see her! I wanna go to bed!" Frank thrashes wildly in Gerard's lap and pushes the older boy away. They try and fail to get out of Gerard's grip and end up with their legs poking out from under the blankets of the bed.

Frank wales when their bare leg is exposed to the cool air and they scramble to get back under the covers. Hushed murmurs spill from their lips as they burrow under the blankets, once again situated firmly in Gerard's lap. And again, the crying starts up.

"Frankie?" Gerard asks tentatively. Frank gives one good, hard punch at Gerard's chest- and fuck did it hurt- and hides their face in the crook if older's neck.

Great, Gerard thinks. Now they're mad at me.

He's careful with his next few words; praying that he doesn't wind Frank up again.

"Do you wanna tell me why you're scared?"

Frank doesn't answer immediately. Memories of the horrible dream swim through their head for a moment. They let out a weak groan before squirming again.


Gerard reluctantly lets Frank go. They flop down face first onto the bed and turn away from Gerard. He doesn't lay with them, instead he just watches the way their night gown shifts down their body as they toss and turn.

As he's watching Frank, Gerard thinks that they really are beautiful, if not a bit of a handfull. They're such a unique kid with their fixation for frills and dresses but a love for slasher movies and hardcore bands. Not only that, but Frank has these eyes that are so big and full and-

"There was a monster.." Gerard pulls himself from his thoughts as Frank speaks.

"It's like...a ghost. I can't touch it and it can't touch me either. And i-it was so pale..."

Frank starts to shake again.

"But... it kept taking everyone away. It took mommy and dad and... you."

Gerard settles down next to Frank under the covers. They're shaking like a leaf now.

"It took everyone I know.. even sweetpea. But I could still here you all calling to me. You kept telling me to come to you and be safe but...I-I could find any o-one.." Frank trails off as sobs start to make their way to the surface.

Gerard takes initiative and forces Frank to turn towards him. Frank immediately snuggles into Gerard.

"It's okay, kitty. I'm right here." Gerard rubs between Frank's shoulder blades and whispers into their ear.

"I'll always be here. I promise I'll keep you safe. You won't ever lose me, I promise."

The words end up calming Frank enough to put them to sleep. Soft snores fill the still room and Gerard thinks that he may be getting better with Frank. Before, he'd never been able to get Frank asleep before their mom got home but here Frank was-drifting off to sleep. When Gerard is sure the younger is under he softly kisses Frank and tries to get himself to sleep too.

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