Shiver Shiver

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Frank & Mikey aren't on good terms and have a chat pt 1/2
Frank hates English class more than anything else in the world. It's not that they're bad at English, it's their first language and they love writing. It's the people in the class that really get to Frank. The other students always poke fun at how they use neutral pronouns and constantly try to convince the teacher that neutral pronouns can't be singular. Luckily, the theacher understands Frank's gender and silences the class quickly. But that isn't the worst part...

The worst part about being in English class is Mikey Way. Yes, the blood brother of the love of Frank's life was the bane of their existence. Don't take that the wrong way; Frank loves Mikey as if he were their own brother but Frank can tell that the feeling is not mutual. Ever since the two had entered middle school all those years ago, Mikey had aquired a certain distaste for Frank. Now, whenever Frank says his obligated hello to Mikey they get a dirty look and a scoff. Mikey treats Frank like the lowest form of person every Monday through Friday and Frank doesn't know why. Even so, they always tried to at least attempt to be civil with the tall boy.

However, today Frank was going to try something new with the bean stalk boy. Today, they had a plan to make Mikey Way stop hating them.

As Frank walks into the class, they spot Mikey tapping out something on his phone wearing those pitch-black sunglasses he always has on. They walk over to him, the bottom of their black dress flowing easily, and sit in their assigned seat right in front of him. Mikey doesn't even take a glance away from his phone. Frank taps Mikey's hand thats tapping rapidly onto the screen. The older looks up at Frank over his sunglasses.

"What?" He sneers. Frank fliches at the rude tone of Mikey's voice.

"Uhmm...can I uh..." Frank curse themself for getting so nervous all of a sudden.

What was I gonna ask? Uhhh... oh! That's right-

"Whatever it is, no. Now, stop bothering me." Mikey states and returns his attention to the phone.

Frank is struck speechless by how rude Mikey is being. A grimace settles of Frank's face and he snatches Mikey's phone from him and speaks quickly before Mikey can utter an automatic what the fuck?

"What did I do to you, huh?" Frank snaps. Mikey raises an eyebrow and gapes at Frank in confusion.

"What are you- no. Just give me my fucking phone back!"

"Not until you tell me why you treat me like garbage!" Frank yells, gaining the attention of some of the closer students.

"Just because you're my brother's faefriend doesn't mean I have to like you." Mikey says in a low voice. The students turn away from their conversation, deeming it uninteresting. Mikey reaches for his phone but Frank keeps it away from him and ends up sitting on it, much to Mikey's displeasure.

"See, that's what I don't get about you Mikey Way. Even though you wouldn't give me the time of day you still use the right pronouns and terms with me. I don't understand." Frank says.

"Maybe you don't get it because 8 year olds don't have good inferencing skills!" Mikey whisper-shouts.

It takes Frank a second of staring at Mikey to understand what he means.

"You don't like me because I'm little?" Frank asks skeptically.

Mikey glares harder and gives Frank a small nod. Frank let's this new information sink in for a moment. The reason their boyfriend's brother hates their guts is because they like little kid stuff and dresses.

"That's freaking ridiculous!" Frank blurts out and immediately cups a hand over their own mouth and swiveling their head to see if anyone is watching them. No one is, every other student is occupied in their own conversation while they wait for the teacher to arrive. He's really late.

Frank continues in a whisper,"Why does the way I dress earn me your mean attitude?"

"It's not about how you dress, dumbass. It's just really fucking creepy that you acting like a little kid gets my brother to like you. It's gross and so are you."

Frank can't help the frown that forms. Nothing they do is for attention.

"I don't act the way I act to make your brother happy. I just like kid stuff. I liked it before I met Gerard and I'll still like it if we break up." Mikey quirks his eyebrow at Frank as they speak. This small movement makes Frank nervous so they look away from him quickly.

"I don't want you to not like me just because of what I like... we have a lot in common and I think we could be friends," Frank continues their voice wavering. "But if you don't want to be that's okay too... I just don't want you to be mean to me anymore..."

Frank stares at the little pieces of lent spotting their dress and waits for Mikey to say something. Anything. Frank thinks that they should have just taken Mikey's rude attitude. It would've been better than learning that people thought of their life style like that. Like something naughty... They didn't act like this for Gerard. They just stayed in little space all the time and couldn't bring themself out of it without difficulty. It's just the way Frank was; they couldn't help it.

"I'm sorry," Mikey mumbles. Frank glances at him from the side if his eye. He looks just as uncomfortable as Frank.

"S'okay." Frank says just above a whisper.

"Uhm what were you going to ask me?"

Frank gives Mikey yet another confused expression. Maybe Mikey was right about Frank's inferencing skills after all. But they do recall the question they were going to ask after a moment of contemplating.

"I was gonna ask if you wanted to come over to mine for a movie night with me and Gee and some other friends." Frank smiles brightly at Mikey and wonders for a moment why Mikey still looks so uncomfortable.

"Sure," he mumbles again.

Frank still smiles at him even though he seems to be in a mood now.

"Great! It's this weekend so you can just come with Gee."

Mikey nods and Frank shifts in their seat. Mikey's cell move under their bum and they quickly grab the little device from under their tush and place it on Mikey's desk, their face flushed.

"S-sorry." Frank stutters.

"S'okay." Mikey replies as he returns to whatever he had been previously tapping out.

Frank turns around as soon as Mr . Armstrong enters the classroom and greets the class. He explains why he was so late and sets the class to work.

Throught the entire lesson all Frank can think of is how much progress he'd make with Mikey in such few minutes. Maybe they could even end up being friends...maybe.

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