Letters In Multicolor

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A/N: Babysitting woes! I'm literally never going to top this chapter...sorry for the wait. If you see a goof in Frank's pronouns always remember to let me know :>
**edit: kept glitching idk why

If there was one person Frank trusted with their life it would have to be Jamia. Of course he trusted Gerard as much but jamia was different. They'd known eachother practically since they were born and they've been connected at the hip ever since. From day one, when their moms had brought them together for a play date they had hit it off and were an inseperable pair, according to their adorable baby photos at least. They'd do anything for her...well, almost anything.

It's just that Frank was not the most responsible 17 year old in the world and they could barely be trusted with their own life let alone another person's.

Jamia of course, knew Frank age regressed and acted very childishly and irresponsibly almost all of the time, especially when they were in the comfort of their own home. Even though she was fully aware of all this she had no choice but to ask Frank to be in charge of her little brother. She had a college interview in another city and her parents were working until 9 so her options were very limited. So, she called Frank up early one Saturday afternoon and started pleading.

"Please, Frank! You just have to watch him for a couple hours," she had begged to them over the phone.

Frank tried, they really truly did try to weasel their way out of it.

"Jamia I can barley watch myself." Frank whined.

Don't get them wrong; Frank loved Evan to pieces and loved hanging out with him since they were both just hyper children. Still, being in charge of another tiny human's life did not sound fun for Frank. They had always concluded that being with Evan was supposed to be fun, not work.

"Well, you could call Gerard over. He'd definitely help you. He'd do anything for you." Jamia pressed on, praying to whatever diety that Frank would submit.

Frank thought about it. They figured it would be nice to see Gerard again since he hadn't left his house much after getting out of the hospital. The older boy simply lazed around his house and, according to Mikey, hasnt even left to go to the comic book shop he loved so much, but Jamia was right; he'd leave for Frank if they asked.

Sighing in defeat, Frank begrudgingly agreed to help Jamia out. She thanked them excitedly, promising gifts and candy as future payment. They shooed her away after the hundredth thank you, urging her to get ready for her interview and hung up, only to dial Gerard's number right after.

Unsurprisingly, Gerard picked up quickly, disclosing that he had been busy playing games on his phone while being a couch potato like usual.

"Hi baby," Gerard answered in a sweet tone that still made Frank's heart flutter after so many years.

"Hi. Gee, can you come over. Like, right now?" Frank got up from the bed then, going over to their chest of drawers to look for an outfit that wasnt just underwear.

"Yeah, you want me to bring a movie?" Frank smiled at their boyfriend's inability to even think about saying no to Frank.

Frank nodded as they pulled out a pair of Gerard's skinny jeans with the knees completely gone. They had no idea how they had ended up in their room but figured it'd be best if they give the pants back. Realising Gerard couldn't see them they replied with a quick yes, going back to the drawer to get a shirt.

"Okay, I'll see you soon, sugar. Love you." Gerard hung up from his end and Frank went to release their phone from between their cheek and shoulder before tossing it onto their bed.

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