Destructively Cute

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A very short drabble because i havent posted in 37283735 years


Frank was adorable when they were sleepy. This was something Gerard would never fail to see. The way they talked and sat and how they handeled things was just so cute to Gerard. Right now, Frank was laying on their belly ontop of a large beanbag chair. Gee had picked out a slouchy black minnie mouse hoodie for them to wear and a pair of ripped up skinny jeans underneath. They were reading a book in the back of the store Gerard worked at with their cute glasses on. Gerard, who was only a little grumpy about having to work late, was watching them happily.

Frank had picked out a short novella about a warrior princess that was meant for grade schoolers. They seemed to be very wrapped up in the fictitious tale while Gerard was equally wrapped up in Frank. In fact, he was so focused on Frank that he didn't even notice when someone walked up to his counter until they tapped his shoulder. The noise that came out his mouth was a horrifying cross between a goose call and a drunk cat.

"M-May I help you?" He managed to squeak out.

The lady at his counter requested a table in their cafe and a library pass. Gerard tried his best to seem like a semi-functional full grown primate and get her a menu and table card. He sighed, thankful that the lady had left.

While Gerard was trying to regain his composure after the embarrassing flub Frank was failing to keep in their laughter.

"Don't laugh at me, kitty. Its not funny. " Gerard sighed with a pout.

Frank only giggled harder at the cute face and tried to cover their mouth with the book. Gerard smirked at the sight. Frank's curled in on the bean bag, glasses pushed to the top of the book as their little body shakes with laughter.

"Haha, very funny. Keep it up and i won't make you a milkshake before we go."

The threat had no standing seeing as Gerard couldn't deny Frank anything even if he tried, which he didn't. Still, Frank let out a howling no that gained the attention of the last few customers who were enjoying their drinks and pasteries. Noticing that all eyes on them Frank blushed a bright cherry red and covered their face with the book once again.

The pout Frank gives him when he laughs could destroy nations with how cute it was. Destructively cute; a perfect way to describe Frank.


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