Gerard Way and the Hormones

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Warning: vague puberty mention and surprise boners.
Gerard was so fucked. There was no hope for the 14 year old boy anymore. So much for his dreams of becoming a comic book artist because he would die here today. And they would scrawl his embarrassing cause of death over his tombstone for the whole world to see: Frank Anthony Iero.

Yes, Frankie Iero was going to make Gerard's heart stop in his chest today, he was sure of it. The little 13 year old kid was bouncing around Gerard's room in the shortest skirt they owned and a big, warm black flag sweater that they had begged their mother for. Gerard wasn't sure why the kid was making him more flustered than usual. Maybe it was the short skirt or rather the flash of Frank's batman undies he would see everytime they jumped a little too high. Maybe it was the way they hummed excitedly as the two waited for Gerard's mother to return home.

"Do you think I could get some lipgloss, Gee? That stuff makes my mommy look really pretty and daddy always gives her kisses when she wears it." Frank asks as they bop around the room to the low sound of Gerard's old radio. He couldn't help but flush at the thought of someone kissing Frank.

"Do you want kisses?" Gerard asks nervously. Somewhere deep inside him he hopes Frank wants to kiss him. He's not sure why he wants this though.

"Yeah, with the gloss on so I can make whoever I kiss all shiny," Frank giggles. Gerard smiles at them.

Just then a horn honks from outside and Frank lets out an excited squeal before bolting out of Gerard's room and up the stairs. Gerard follows them much more calmly and reaches the main floor of their little house just as Mrs.Way comes through the door.

"Hold on Frank. We'll go as soon as I put these few groceries away," she says as Frank pitters around her eagerly. "Have Gerard help you put your leggings on. Your mom would kill me if I let you go outside in that little skirt in 20° weather. "

"Okay, but we're going to the mall right after, right?" Frank askes excitedly, bouncing in place. She nods at them and shoos them back towards Gerard as she heads into the kitchen.

Frank drags Gerard back down the steps and into his room where they search for Frank's black leggings that were discarded almost as soon as Frank walked through the door. Gerard finds them wedged under a snack of notebooks and pencils in the corner. He has no idea how they got there but decides not to dwell on it.

"Hurry, hurry!" Frank demands when Gerard kneals infront of them to help the put the leggings on.

Gerard successfully resists the urge to look up Frank's skirt which was strange in itself because Gerard had seen Frank in those exact batman undies a thousand times. In fact, Gerard has had to force a naked Frank into those exact undies at least a hundred times so it made no sense why the need to just look at them was so strong.

It had to be some sort of deadly illness that affects human judgement or something. That's the only plausible explanation Gerard can think of for these strange urges that have been over taking him recently.

When Gerard finally gets his shaking hands to pull the garment over Frank's thin hips he pulls their skirt down over them neatly as they bounce on the balls of their feet.

As soon as Frank had their tights on they were sprinting out of Gerard's grip and back up the stairs leaving Gerard to grab both of their coats and boots from the messy floor.

He climbed the flight of steps much less enthusiastically and stop dead in his tracks when he sees Frank. They're curled up on the couch with the Way's puppy, Sarah, snuggled in their arms. Gerard has to take a deep steadying breath to stop from having a cute-induced heart attack. What a weak way that would be to die.

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