Icey Blues

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So, maybe Frank wasn't telling the truth when they said they were on their way. They couldn't just visit Gerard empty handed. He'd been cooped up in a boring hospital for almost two weeks and from what Frank had forced Mikey to tell them it wasn't doing much to keep Gerard's spirits up. So, of course they had to bring gifts for him, even if it did make them 3 hours late. Gerard deserved it after what hed been through.

When Frank had first heard that Gerard had been admitted to the hospital they'd felt so numb that they couldn't even cry. What Gerard had done to be admitted had still been unknown to them. All they really knew was that Gerard was taken to the hospital at 4 in the morning and he was sorry about something.

Much to Frank's relief it was not the worst case scenario. In fact, one could say the actual reason was the "best" reason imaginable.

Mikey's exact words to Frank were, "He called the hospital when he started seeing things. He started calling for me so I stayed with him until the ambulance came. He was fine."

It made them glad to know that their boyfriend wasn't hurt or possibly dying in a hospital bed. No, Gerard was just "admitted".

Originally, the plan had been for Gerard to stay maybe a day at the hospital, get some medicine, maybe set up some kind of appointment with a therapist and leave. However, that was before he'd gotten the diagnosis. Once the doctors found out what he was suffering from they had him scheduled for a few weeks of "analysis and treatment". So, the hospital checked him in, took basically everything he had on him and ran a bunch of tests.

From what Mikey told them, none of the tests were physical and didn't seem to make Gerard uncomfortable.

But now, Gerard had his stuff back, or at least his phone, and Frank could actually go see him! So, they grabbed a bunch of stuff from around their house, shoved them into a tote bag and started begging their mom to drive them to the hospital downtown.

A few minutes of pouting and whimpering later Frank was sitting a little too excitedly in their mother's car as they drove down the highway.

"Frank, calm down, honey. You're practically shaking," their mother noted.

"I can't, I can't. I haven't seen him in so long, I just can't wait!"

Their mother lets out a long melancholic sigh, "Frank, you do know that Gerard has been in the hospital for something...internal, right?"

Frank hums in understanding but continues to bounce excitedly in their seat.

"And he may not be up for a lot of things, you know? He may seem very tired, dear"

Frank turns their full attention to her as she continues,

"And, I know, he loves you and he probably wants to see you too but you may need to act very carefully, Frank." She pulls her eyes away from the road for a second to give them a stern look before refocusing on driving. Frank begins to fidget nervously.

"" Thay ask tentatively.

"Just, try not to overwhelm him, hun. He may be very sensitive after the incident."


The rest of the drive to the hospital is deafeningly quiet.


After Frank was dropped off at the hospital, they quickly made their way to the receptionist's desk and asked for directions to the psychiatric ward. Frank thought calling it that was really strange and almost scary. They gave the receptionist Gee's name and told her their relationship. The surprisingly nice woman gave them directions to the 5th floor of the hospital, room 515.

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