The Future Soon

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The first time Gerard and Frankie meet
It is far too early for anyone to be awake. Why I'm awake, I will never fully understand. All I really know is that my mom needs me to go with her to...somewhere. I think we're going to someone's house but I'm not sure who's.

At least I don't have to walk anywhere. My mom is nice enough to carry me, or maybe she was just tired of me dragging my feet. Either way, I'm fine with being snuggled up to her chest as we- well, she- walks down the sidewalk. I guess that wherever we're going is someplace small seeing as it's close enough to our dingy little hut of a house to be within walking distance.

Maybe I should open my eyes to see where we are...nah.

I just enjoy the ride and the bounce that comes with every steps my mom takes. It's nice, really. The sun is shining warmly down on us and a cool breeze blowing my hair over my closed eyes. My mom is also a very comfortable pillow if I do say so myself.

Unfortunately, the ride must come to an end. I feel my mom stop walking just as we are covered from the sun by shade. She knocks on something, I assume it's a door, and she bounces me softly as we wait. I can hear some shuffling from somewhere and then the sound of creeky hinges.

"Donna! So nice to see you!" A woman says excitedly. It's so uncomfortable to hear my mom's fist name. It feels the same as how seeing a teacher in public feels. Just...wierd.

"You too, Linda. This is Gerard. He's a little sleepy right now," my mom shifts me in her arms so my face is turned towards the woman. "He just refuses to go to sleep on time this summer."

"Batman is nicer than sleep," I mutter sleepily.

It's not my fault Grandma gave me that box of comics when she came to visit. Plus, it's way more fun to read comics under the covers at night than in the daytime; everybody knows that.

"How cute," the woman says in an annoyingly childish voice. "Frank is going to have so much fun with him," she giggles.

Oh god. I've been tricked into another play date!

I manage to crack an eye open as my mother walks us inside. The woman has her back turned to me as we walk behind her and I can see she's dressed in a darkly colored suit. She must be important.

She leads us up a stairway and into a wide hall. Where the heck are we? Most of the houses in our neighborhood don't even have basements, let alone second floors. Not to mention that she takes us up another set of stairs! Three whole floors? That's insane!

I open my eyes fully when we stops infront of a door at the top of the stairs that'vs painted bright pink. Yuck.

The lady, Linda, bends over and looks me in the eyes. She has a sincere smile on her heavily made up face and I can smell her flowery perfume when she gets on my level.

"Hey there, mister. Me and your mommy have to go on a little business errand. So, I'm gonna leave you and my son Frankie to play together. If you like, you guys can watch movies on his TV," This kid has a TV in his room? He's probably really stuck up then. Probably has a ton of toys and games too.

"I think he might even have a Batman movie on DVD." Maybe, he's not so bad after all.

She opens the door and peaks inside. I can see the bright pink walls through the crack in the door. I thought she said it was her son I'd be playing with. She opens the door fully before turning back to me and my mom.

"I'm afraid, he's also a bit sluggish today. Probably up all night watching his princess movies," she says more to herself than to us. "I knew I shouldn't have got him that entire box set."

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