dead hearts

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Part 2/2
Frank's house is only a 10 minute walk from the Way's which is great for last minute Franksitting but awful when you're carrying massive bags full of snacks. The Way brothers are trudging down the sidewalk on a late Friday afternoon with grocery bags filled with cookies, candy, soda, and anything else soaked with sugar and sodium. Eventhough Mikey thought the copious amounts of goodies Frank requested were ridiculous Gerard only saw the younger's sweet tooth as endearing. Cute even.

"Come on Mikey, you you gotta admit that they're a sweetheart," Gerard pants out as he walks. Mikey shoots him an irritated look.

"Sweetheart or not, this is insane," Mikey grumbles. A chuckle spills from the older's worn out lungs as they reach Frank's porch.

Seeing as both the boys' arms were full Gerard decided to kick the door a few times to "knock". After a moment of nothing, Frank comes to the door wearing what Mikey believes are far too short pajama bottoms and a Madonna shirt that they're practically drowning in. It's Gerard's, Mikey notes.

"Hey," Frank greets them excitedly if not a little tired sounding.

"Hey to you, kitty, " Gerard smiles sweetly at his faefriend. Mikey almost has to force his eyes to not roll at the sickeningly sweet petname.

"We brought the sugar," Gerard continues and raises the bags up.

Frank's eyes fill with excitement at the mention of sweets and they pull the two boys into their house. Mikey notes how large the place is as Frank drags them to the kitchen. The house of a lawyer and a professor would be fairly large, he supposes.

"You can set the bags where ever." Frank yawns out.

Mikey follows Gerard's lead and sets his bags on the large glass table in the kitchen. An awkward silence fills the dimly lit kitchen as Gerard starts unpacking the bags and splaying snacks all over the table. Mikey just stands around awkwardly and desperately tries to not look in Frank's direction. Against his better judgement though he looks up towards the small teenager who's leaned back against the kitchen island with sleepy eyes. After a few seconds of Mikey's gawking Frank looks up at him and gives him a curious look.

Mikey scrambles for an excuse for his staring. Finding none, he tries to make small small talk.

"So... who all is here?" Mikey asks

Frank gives a nervous smile before answering, "Ray, Zacky, Pete, and...Pete's friend. His name's Patrick, I think." Frank lists. Mikey was pleased to hear that he wouldn't have to be around a ton of strangers.

Frank takes a moment to riffle through the bags alongside Gerard. They pull the snacks from rge bag Mikey was carrying and gasps when they pull out a box of odd looking cookies. The smile that they give Gerard is bright and full of love.

"You remembered my favorite!" Frank squeals and bounces in place.

"Of course. Vegan chocolate macadamia nut cookies are a pain in the ass to find, but you're worth it, babe."

Gerard barely gets through his sentence before Frank is bounding up to him and jumping into his arms. Mikey watches silently as his brother spins the tiny kid in circles before stilling. Mikey has to admit that the two of them seem happy together.

"Love you, Gee," Frank whispers between the kisses they're peppering over his face. Gerard only giggles as he plops them onto the ground.

Okay, Mikey admits to himself, they were cute together. That was obvious enough, but there was still something about their relationship that made Mikey uncomfortable.

After Frank and Gerard stop fawning over eachother Frank rushes Gerard off into the living room to pick out the movies. Then, Mikey and Frank are left alone in the kitchen.

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