Blood Soaked

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This is old and so bad but woops here it is

To someone of Gerard's class a 15 dollar an hour paying job is a blessing to say the least. That's not say that the boy doesn't work very hard to make that incredible amount. Sometimes being a near full time babysitter is easy. Just watch the freshman for a few hours, make sure they don't die, and desperately try not to kiss them or worse. Yet still, sometimes...

Sometimes, its getting his ass kicked by the football team.

He supposes the reason he was going to get slaughtered was more his fault than Frank's. He knew better than to leave Frank alone when they're crying but he just couldn't help it.

It was after school and Gerard was tired and grouchy. He'd bombed a test in Math, forgotten his lunch money, and now he had to carry his and Frank's backpacks all the way to their house. And to make matters worse, the little kid was whining for no fucking reason about toys or something and Gerard, being the impatient, angst-ridden teenager that he was, told them to stop bitching. There was not a worse pair of words to say to the emotional wreck of a teenager at that moment. So, Frank started sobbing and ran off to god knows where.

And of course Gerard had to suck it up and go after them, no matter how much he really didn't want to. And that's how he got into this predicament: Nervously approaching the football field where Frank was wailing like a fucking banshee as 3 seniors on the varsity team towered over them.


Frank screamed and cried as the taller boys taunt them where they sat near the bleachers. Their stockings ripped and their knees are bleeding, soaking the sheer fabric completely. The sight of the large, brutish men standing ominously over his Frank made Gerard's stomach churn in a bad way.

"Stop being such a pussy," the tallest of the boys barks at them but they don't pay any attention. They kept crying loudly while trying to suck as much air into their lungs as they could.

"I wanna g-go home!" Frank squeals.

"Of course the little crossdresser would be a fucking pansy," another remarks.

Frank started wailing even louder at the insult and Gerard's heart clenched at the sound. Yes, he was still hopelessly in love with Frank and can't help feeling as if he should protect them. Damn emotions were gonna get his ass kicked.

Frank opened his eyes and looked up pathetically at the boys who were now spouting insult after insult.

"Why the hell do you dress like chick anyway?"

"I heard you do it 'cause you're a real sleez, Iero. Heard dudes pay you to-"

"That's not true!" Frank shouts loud enough that the boys are taken aback.

"Course it's not," The big one sneers. "Who would pay for such a cheap bitch like you?"

"Fuck you!" Frank barks back at him so harshly that the boys are stunned for a moment.

Gee's stunned momentarily as well but immediately snaps back into action when the boys start to close-in on Frank.

Shit! Shit! SHIT! What do I do?

Gerard paniced as one of the creeps grab at Frank who manages to scurry just out of his grasp. He looked around for... something! Anything!

Frank is crawling back on their bum as the three lugs infront of them back them into the bleachers. They're so scared and angry. Not only are these three juggernauts going to beat them to a pulp but...Gee cursed at them. He was mad at Frank and they thought that he probably wouldn't care if they were to die here.

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