Chapter 11

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Skye's POV:

When the dj announced that Mike grabbed my waist and cuddled into my neck, kissing it softly. We were swaying slightly and I was feeling uncomfortable. I really wanted to be in one persons arms.. Jareds. I looked over to see what he was doing, and he was sitting at the bar drinking his corona and laughing with Alex and Bree.I sighed and pushed Mike away.

''What's up?" Mike grabbed my wrist.

''Gonna sit down, getting a little tired." I smiled at him, and we walked to the bar.

I sat down next to Jared and he leaned over and put his arm around me, and brought his face down to kiss me. I kissed back of course. Okay so we weren't offically official, but I didn't care we were here. Bree and I walked to the bathroom.

''Bree?" I looked at her after putting my eyeliner on, while she was doing her eyelashes.

''Yes?" She smiled.

''I don't know what to do." I sighed and leaned against the sinks.

''What do you mean? Just because they both are here? Go with your heart.'' She nodded at me.

''That's the problem, I don't know who my heart is choosing." I sighed once more.

''Hmm.. Well lets just play tonight out okay?" She gave me a reassuring smile.

''Okay fine, thanks Boo." I side hugged her.

''Of course." She said and we walked out of the bathroom.

We got back to the bar to see the boys chilling and laughing until some whore walked up to Jared and kissed him, he grabbed her waist and pulled her into his chest. They stopped and hugged.

I stood there shocked.

''Skye?" Bree waved a hand in front of my face.

''Ye-ah?" I stuttered.

''Are you okay?" She looked at me.

''N-yeah." I faked.

''No you're not, you can't be. He just kissed another girl infront of your face."

''You're right, I am not." I said and went over to get my purse. ''Bye, I am leaving." I said sternly

''No, Skye- wa'' Jared said, I cut him off.

''You haven't changed one bit, I knew this was a mistake since you texted me.'' I looked at him and walked away.

*1 week later*

Jared called. I didn't answer, just like I have been for a week. I didn't wanna see his face, hear his voice, see a text from him. I threw my phone across my bed and crawled under the blankets and started to cry. Why was I crying? It's not like we actually were dating right? I am so stupid, just like last time, I thought he changed his ways, but he proved to me that he didn't. I heard a slight knock on my door.

''What." I said still under the covers. My mom walked in.

''Skye, you have been in this bed for over a week, what's going on sweetie?" She moved the blanket off my head. 

''Nothing, cramps?" I said more like a question. 

''No they aren't come on tell me." She rubbed my eyebrow softly, just like she did when I was a baby. 

''ItrustedJaredagainandIgotmyheartbrokenonceagain." I said without spacing my words out, my mom caught it all. 

''Jared huh?" She gave me that 'are you stupid look.' 

''Yes.." I wondered off into space. 

''Honey, I know he is your ex and he broke your heart, maybe you should hear him out. He has been calling the house everyday for a week." She kissed my head and walked out of my room.

That was helpful. Thanks mom. Hence the sarcasm.

I threw the blankets across my bed and jumped up a little and grabbed my phone. I unlocked it and read through his texts.

Jared: Skye? Skye? Come on text me. What did I do wrong?

Me: Jared, you kissed another girl in front of me. So much for me being yours. I hate you. You're welcome. Bye.

I sent it and fell back in my bed.

5 minutes later my phone went off.

Jared: I am sorry.

Pshht, sorry couldn't help him out of this one. I turned my phone off and fell asleep.

*Jared's POV:

I paced back and forth in my room, I truly did love this girl, why the fuck did I have to mess it up. That girl Jenny, just came on to me. She walked up to me and kissed me. Yeah I kissed back but who wouldn't have she was hot.  What am I going to do? I sighed and plopped down on my computer chair and logged onto facebook.

1 new notification: Jenny Loe commented on your photo: Sexy;)

I almost threw up.  I typed 'Skye Ashton' into the searchbar. 1 result.

It was her.

''What the fuck? She unfriended me?'' I said out loud..

Hey guys, thanks for everything, don't forget to vote, comment, and fan<3

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