Chapter 5

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Jared and I were up till midnight texting. I don't know what or why we were talking but it felt right…Like it was supposed to happen. Maybe that saying is true. "If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it's yours. If it does not come back, it was never meant to be." Maybe it was meant to be?

We talked about our past and present. I was so interested in him. He was just like how it was when we first met, super sweet and gorgeous.  Oh how I missed him.

I woke up at 10 in the morning and checked my phone.

Jared: "Good Morning:)"  I blushed at that.

Me: "Good Morning. (:" I sent back

Jared: "what are you doing this fine day?"

Me: " I don't really know. How about you?"

Jared: "hanging out with you."

Me: "Oh really?"

Jared:"Yes, you're coming over."

Me: "When?"

Jared: "an hour?"

Me: Sounds Good."

We said our goodbyes and i leaned against the back board of my bed. I grabbed a pillow and screamed into it. I was so happy. I got ready and wore shorts and a white and pink shirt with my white vans.

I brushed my hair and teeth then did my make up, just a little eye liner and mascara, then lip gloss. The door bell rang and I ran down stairs before my family could open the door.

''Hey buddy." Jared smiled.

''Hey. " I said.

We walked out to his beat up 60's mustang that I looooooove.

''I love your car." I sighed at its beauty.

"Really?" he raised his eye brow with a smirk.

''Um, YES." I shouted and got in.

''Wow, first girl to EVER say that." He laughed.

"What happened to betty?" I said remembering his ford truck.

''I still have it, I'm working on it." He started the car. "by the way this is Benny"

I touched the dashboard. "Hi Benny."

Jared just rolled his eyes.  The rest of the ride we were talking and joking around.

''Sam do you remember when Mr. Jordan caught us ditching school sophomore year?" he laughed so hard making me laugh at his laugh.

''Oh my goodness yes, so embarrassing." I face palmed.

''You know what?" He calmed down from his laughing fit.

'’ what?" I bit my lip and looked at him.

''I miss this." He smiled.

''I do to." I blushed.

''Rosy!" He screamed.

''No, no. You did not just..." I stuttered in shock.  He used to call me rosy because he always made me blush and it was a rose colored blush.

''I think I did." he looked at me and back to the road.

''I hate you." I pushed him.

"Aw." He blew me a kiss.

We got to his house and it still looked the same, huge and with a whole bunch of grass. i closed the car door and he grabbed my wrist.

''Sam do you remember this?" He pulled me to the tire swing.

''You still have it?!" I freaked out.

''Of course!" He got on the swing.  "Push me!"

''Fine." I gave him a big push.

As he was slowing down on the swing he jumped down and dragged me down with him.

''What the hell are you doing?"

''Oh No." I sighed as we both laid on the grass.



''Are you still ticklish?" He looked at me. 

''Um..." I didn't answer. 

''Are you?" He laughed. 


''Bull." He yelled and I got up as fast as I could sprint around his property.  He got up to speed with me and picked me up over his shoulder and swung me around. We fell on the grass once again and this time he was over me and tickling me.

‘’St-op!" I laughed through breaths.

''Oh stop okay?" He tickled me more.

''Fuck you." I sighed.

* Cough, cough* "Jared?"

Jared immediately stopped.  I was still breathing heavily.

"Oh hi dad" Jared said, still sitting on me.  I tried hiding.

"Samantha?" His dad asked.

''Hi" I looked up at him, propping my elbows up.

''How are you? Jar get off the poor girl" he said hitting the back of his head.

''I’m good. How about you?" I smiled.

''Good as well. Are you staying for lunch?" He looked down at me.

''Um, Sure?" I didn't know what to say.

''Awesome, we are eating in a few minutes. Jared, why don't you guys go get cleaned up?" His dad said walking away.

Jared stood up and held out his hand hoping for me to take it to get up. I took it.

''Thanks." I blushed.

''No problem rosy." He poked my cheeks.

''Shut up hawk." I laughed.  That was his nick name for the longest time because he was a skater.

''Oh hush." He grabbed my hand and dragged me into his house.

His dogs ran up to me, like they remembered me.

''Hey boys." I got down and pet the dogs. 

''Looks like they missed you." Jared said. 

''Looks like it." 

''Sam!" Jared's step mom Jenna shouted.

''Jenna!" I shouted back getting up.

''I have missed you so much." She hugged me . ''Wait, why are you here?" 

''Jenna, rude." Jared interfered. 

''Sorry, I'm just confused." She laughed. 

''It's okay, Jared and I recently reconnected." I looked at him. 

''Well, we have so much to talk about." She grabbed my hand and dragged me into the kitchen.

 HEY GUYS! I don't think anyone is actually reading this story. Because I don't have any reads. I would really like to know if you are one of the few people, I would love if you could comment, fan, and vote for this story if you are reading. Tell me what you like about the story, and don't like, and what you want more or less of. Thanks I really would love people to read this. Thanks<33

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