Dont leave me. 4

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Hey guys hoped you liked the last chapter i wasnt sure how to put things but, least i trie right? lol i have a really good bok you guys should read its called Love gone wrong it is a hunter hays fan fiction. it is bye one of my really good its by one of my best friends shayln lopez. and she is such a good author i love her to peices......................................................................................................................................................

we made our way to the car and got in i was useing my friendss chandler's car cause imnot old enough to drive and i didnt have a car. that and i never got caugh so i didnt care really.

"DUDE he was totally hitting on you" tori practicly screamed in my ear.

" its Brody he flirts with everyone"

" yeah but he was really flirting like it was real!!!!!" now she was screaming, but its a good kind of sceraming. i think.....

" so what im hearing you saying is that there is such thing as fake flirting" i asked with a smirk sliding up on my face.

I loved teasing her i just hated when she did it to me. its only cute,and funny when i do it when she does it its...annoying.

"Whatever" shesaid she didnt like it when i teased her but i though it was funny.

" so anyway what was with you and Kyle over there" i watched her as her face turned biright red, but not as red as mine i could have been in the record..i can even see it i thought about asi thought of my name in the 2013 world records in big bold letters saying


wow i have some serious prolbems. once i relized that tori never anwserd i looked at her and was like "Hello over there earth to tori"

"Sorry would it be bad if i really like him ?" she said. she had a really worriedd look on her face when she turned to look at me. i was actually really worried all the sudden. what if they started dating and he broke her heat. o my god i would kill him if he ever hurt her like that.

" No, of corse not but just be careful ok i dont want you getting hurt" i said i was actully happy for her but i was worried at the same time.

"Good cause i think i might"she said and i was her face light up like a christmas tree.......CHRISTMAS. dang that stuff is good.

she started talking about how he smiles and how he has a southern accent and she loved guys that has them.. well now she does lol.

Once we got to my house, we went upstairs to my room and starting talking about Kyle.when we got to my house i herd the t.v on so i knew that jake was home and my mom wasnt home cause she was on a 2 month bunisses trip to south dakota.and i thought i herd him talking to someone so i was thinking that he had a girl with him.

" katie get down here!" i herd jake yell from the game room down stairs

" ill be right back" i told tori

i walked down stairs and herd the talking to someone again but that someone was a guy.

"whatcha need" i look at him i couldnt tell who was with him cause it was so dark ther only light sorce was the t.v and it was kinda dark as well.

"o what i so didnt know that you lived here" and at that very moment i kew who it was,Brody.

"really" please note the scarcasim. " i ovbisly live with my brother and scince when do you come over to my house" i asked

"Scince i knew that you were his little sister"

" Ewww dude gross that's my little sister" jake said with a discusted look on his face.

" i know but_"

"dude thats gross" jake cut him off. jake was the same age as me, well a year older. i was 15 and he was 16

my life was going to be a living hell.

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