Dont leave me. 12

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The drive was mostly pertty quite. we didnt talk much but at one point he looked and grabed my hand and scince I was so short he chuckled and rested his head on top mine .

We pulled up to his house and he came around and opend the door for me. I smiled to him and he smiled back. We walked up to the door, Than an older woman about in het early 30's oped the door and greeted us with a smile.

" Oh hi you must be Katie" she said pulling me into am embrace.

"Ya you must be Brodys mom"

"Oh no sweetheart, I'm his aunt Janice. Heather is in the kitchen"as she opend the door wide enough to let us both in.

brody grabed my hand and walked me into the kitchen. His house was amazing, it had a rounded roof. and it looked like it was 3 stories high.

we walked into the kitchen and it was just as amazing. it had tan walls and a black fridge, stove. it was almost like a designer kitchen. I was so pretty.

"Hey, oh you must be Katie, it is so nice to met you"

"Its nice to meet you to" I said

"Would you like to eat dinner with us"

I looked up at Brody and he squeezed my hand at the same time and said "Would that be ok?"

"of corse it would"he said

"Great! !it will be done any minute now. mean while you to can go down t the game room"

We walked downstairs in the the basement. and fyi that looked like a full sized living space. we walked down the hall that was left of the stairs . the walls were an off white color with sky blue doors that I'm assuming lead to other rooms. He stoped at a dark brown door, and opend it.

"Ladies first" he said .

There were 4 older boys and 3 younger one who all looked at me. I shifted my wait feeling the awkwardness when they didnt look away. uh what should I say?

"Uh guys seriously!! shes mine" Brody said glaring at his brother's.

"Well she's seen me so I'm assuming that she's not yours for much longer" one of the older boys said.

"WOW shes pretty!!" the youngest one said.

"thank you" I said blushing

"Awwe she's blushing"said the same brother that was talking earlier.

"Travis" Brody said looking at him.

"whatcha doin buddy" Brody said walking over to the littlest one.

"Playing a game wanna play" he said handing the controler to him.

"Sure, who we tryin to beat"Brody said as the little noy pointed to travis.

I went and sat and the end of one of the couches. there were three couches on 3 walls . the older boys sat on two and the younger ones sat on the others.

The couches were the same color as the door, and the walls were he same sky blue as the hall. the entertainment center was a light tan color and ir was very organized considering they were all boy's.

"I'm zack"the little noy said getting of brodys lap and comming to sit by me. "but everyone calls me buddy"he said smiling "and I guess if you want to you can call me it to"

"I'm Katie"I said messing with his hair

He scooted back over to brody and sat on his lap again. Brodys good with kid's.

Zack pulled down Brodys head down and whispered,

"I like her, I think shes pretty"

"Me to"he said looking up at me .

"Guys dinners ready"all the boys stood up and raced out of the door including Brody. but zack stoped and held out his hand and took mt hand. he took me up stairs and when he say Brody he took his hand and placed my hand in Brodys.

"Thanks buddy"


Brody pulled a chair for me and I got in it he pushed it back in.I looked up but only to see Travis staring at me. And when I noticed it he quickly looked away.

"so katie "janice said as we all got situated.


"how old are you"

"I am 15"

"Oh so you are just as old as Justin over here" she said lookingto her left

To her left there was a boy with the same style of hair, only brown and dark blue eye's. and he was wereing a button up shirt, wranglers and boots almost the same thing brody was wearing.

"Mom I'm 16 now"

"oh right....dang I'm getting old "

"so brody how was the game today?" Justin asked

"pertty good actually"

"I'm taking that as you won?"

"Of corse"I said

"Ha o wait your that cheerleading chick he kept staring at, huh?"

"I though you weren't there"

"I was but I had to leave early"

"Oh ok ha"

After that it got pretty quite we were all stuffing our faces. when we were done hI'm and zack took me home and Zack gave me a kiss on the cheek..hes so cute

After that I got in the shower and went to bed.

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