The Barmaid (James Kidd/Mary Read x Reader)

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I decided to make the first story a pirate one in honor of international talk like a pirate day.
You are a new barmaid at the Old Avery tavern. It's your first day so you are made to shadow your fellow barmaid, Anne Bonney, so you can get the gist of how things work. By the time night falls you know the routine and are given the opportunity to try everything on your own.

"(Y/N), I'll be right back." Anne calls to you before disappearing. It wasn't long before you were called to bring more drinks to drunken pirates. You were left alone for nearly an hour before Anne came back and in that time you had been flirted with, almost molested, and so close to going off on one of the more aggressive customers that wouldn't keep his meaty paws off of you. You were practically overwhelmed by the sheer amount of men in the tavern calling for drinks and propositioning you every five seconds. Just when Anne returned followed by a group of pirates the most forward man at the table you were serving had grabbed a hold of your dress and pulled you toward him, trying to kiss you. He was quickly stopped when Anne rushed over and pulled you away.

"What do you think you're doing?" Anne said standing between you and the drunk man. You watch on, worried about Anne. You are then pulled away by one of the men that walked in with Anne before you can step in.

"Leave it alone, love. Anne can handle herself." Said an appealingly husky yet dulcet voice in your ear. A strong hand was wrapped around your waist while another pushed through the crowded tavern to lead you away from the only person you knew in the tavern. But something about the voice of the person made you relax in their hold and willingly follow them. You curiously turn your eyes to the man holding you. You, surprisingly, found that he was quite handsome. He was a little taller than you, obviously a pirate, you guessed he was a captain based on his aura. He had hypnotic chocolate brown eyes, brown hair tied back with a few braids hanging in the front, a scar running across his eye, and a red bandana on his head.

"Where are you taking me?" Your voice only loud enough for him to hear you. His eyes flash to look directly into yours. You see a flickering of emotion before he looks forward again.

"Somewhere safe. Well safe compared t' where you were." He explained, vaguely. He led you to the table containing the other men he and Anne walked in with. Your eyes traveled over the men nervously. When the man stopped walking you shyly stayed tucked into his side as the pirates in front of you scanned you. Eventually you noticed their attention shift to the arm laid comfortably around your waist. You took in the looks of surprise, astonishment, and confusion.

"Who's th' lass Kidd?" Asked a blonde. The man holding me opened his mouth to respond but before he could speak Anne pulled you away.

"There you are (Y/N). Let's get back to work. That scumbag won't be bothering you anymore." She said pulling you towards a large group of men waiting for drinks. You threw yourself into your work but couldn't help looking at the red bandana wearing pirate every once in a while. You would immediately blush and look away when your eyes would meet though. You were curious about why he pulled you away. You really wanted to know who he was but you were too nervous to ask. Eventually you couldn't take the anticipation of finding out his name anymore and turned to Anne.

"Hey Anne, can I ask you something?" You both were filling up cups to take to a particularly large group of rambunctious men.

"What do you need to know?" She paused, nodding, and turned towards you waiting for your question.

"Well, I don't exactly need to know but I was curious. Who was that guy that pulled me away earlier?" She looked at you, confused.

"Which guy?" She asked.

"The one with the red bandana."

"Oh. That'd be Captain James Kidd. Why?" She watched you curiously.

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