The Savior (Male!James Kidd x You)

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A/N: This originally wasn't supposed to be that long but the way it's coming out it's most likely going to be like four or five chapters. If you can't tell by the title, this is a scenario where you save, a fully male, James Kidd's life.


You sighed as you looked out of your bedroom window. You lived alone in Kingston and owned a bakery but that freedom would soon be gone. You made a deal with your parents to get married after your twentieth birthday, which was coming soon, and in return they let you live as you pleased for now. You didn't know who your parents planned to force you to marry but you prayed every night that it wouldn't be to someone you couldn't stand. All you knew was that apparently, the son of a senator or some other government official wanted to court you. You spent the day miserable and trying in vain to forget about your predicament. Your only solace was that, for now at least, you were still free.

An hour had barely passed since you had gotten lost in your thoughts when you heard the sounds of yelling and the slaps of dozens of feet on the ground as they headed towards your house. You curiously looked down to see two people running from at least a dozen guards. You tried to see more but you could just barely make out that the runners were a male and female and you thought you saw blood but you weren't too sure. You don't know what came over you but you suddenly felt a need to help them. You immediately ran downstairs and to the door where you waited for them to turn right in front of your house before grabbing their arms and hastily jerking them inside. They were so surprised that they couldn't help but stumble and follow you inside. You had slammed the door behind them and waited for the guards to run past before letting out a relieved sigh.

"WHAT TH' HELL DO YE THINK YE'RE DOING?!" The man yelled scaring you. You whirled around to see him glaring angrily at you while the female panted and painfully held her leg. You gave him a once over before glaring back at him. You had to admit, unwillingly, that he was pretty handsome, even if he was a ungrateful bastard. 

"Saving your life," You retorted and crossed your arms.

"We didn't need yer help," He claimed stalking towards you, obviously cautious of his wounds. You could clearly see the blood staining his slightly torn shirt when his coat shifted. You raised an eyebrow at him before pointing at his injured side.

"That's what you call not needing help?" You scoffed and responded sarcastically. You weren't usually like this but your own miserable situation plus being met with such animosity when you were only trying to help really did terrible things for your patience and attitude. Not to mention you were kind of in denial of even the thought you found him remotely attractive.

"Watch yerself, lass. Just because I'm injured that doesn't mean I can't do some damage. Come on Anne," He moved to open the door but you stepped in front of it.

"Well tough guy you may not need help but what about her? Do you really think she'll be to make it far after running so long with a messed up leg? If you're going to ignore your health feel free but don't forget you're not the only one hurt," You scowled at him with disgust. By this point you were certain that they were pirates but you were only concerned with helping them out, despite how utterly annoyed you were with the man in front of you.

The man seemed to take your words to heart because he turned to look at his companion only to find her clinging to the wall and holding her hurt leg while her face twisted in pain. It seems that she didn't even hear your conversation because of the pain. You immediately jumped to action and went to help her sit on a nearby chair. She gladly put her arm around your shoulder and laid her weight on you while you supported her. Once she was seated her body sagged in relief.

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