Won't Let You Go (Ezio x Reader)

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A/N: Here's something else that I wrote real quick to fulfill a request made by Shadows_side. Sorry for taking so long. I actually have two other Ezio x Reader that I'm still working on but I had to stop the first one for a while because I realized that the way I was writing it it would end up be a multi-chapter story and the other one I'm just stuck on. Here's something to take their place for now.
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(F/F) - Favorite Flower

*(Y/N) P.O.V*

You sat by the window looking up at the moon. You really missed Ezio. When you two first started seeing each other a year ago things were going great. He was always so sweet to you and never pushed you past your zone of comfort and he alway brought you a (F/C) (F/F) but things changed when your father found out.

He caught Ezio and you together in the courtyard of the Auditore Villa. He immediately took you home and started telling you about Ezio's reputation in Firenze. He expressly forbid you from seeing him. You agreed but behind his back you would sneak out to meet Ezio in the night.

Things were fine for the first month or so until someone spotted you and told your father. Now he wouldn't even let you leave the house without a chaperone and locked your door from the outside at night. You were in despair at the thought of no longer seeing Ezio. It had been a little over a week since you had last seen Ezio.

"(Y/N)!" You heard from below. You opened your window and looked down at the handsome man smiling up at you. Your heart sped up and a big smile broke out on your no longer depressed face.

"Ezio! What are you doing here?" You asked, more out of surprise than anything else.

"I'm here to see you of course." He answered with a devilish smirk and started to climbed up to your window.

"But what about my father? If anyone sees you they're going to tell him." You said not letting him in.

"Well then you better let me in. The guards will be making their rounds any second now." You were conflicted. You wanted to see him but you were uncomfortable with the thought of a man, of no blood relation, being in your room at night, with you. However you knew he wasn't going to leave until you let him in and chances are someone would see and cause a ruckus about it. He could see your internal struggle and his smile softened.

"Relax bella. You know I won't do anything to you." He said bringing one hand away from your window sill to gently caress your cheek. You smiled and leaned into the touch. You moved back and gave him space to enter after a moment.

"So what happened? Why haven't you been coming to see me?" He asked while climbing in. The second his feet were firmly on the ground you tackled him. His arms automatically wrapped around you, he was used to this. You were very affectionate but still incredibly innocent and that's what he loved most about you. You didn't ask anything of him but a comfortable embrace and in return he got someone to talk to that really saw him and not just his pretty face.

"My father found out that I was seeing you. He locked my door from the outside and won't even let me leave the house alone." You childishly pouted up at him. He chuckled at how adorable you were. He never understood why you wanted to be with him. You were far too innocent to be associated with him.

"Then I guess I'll just have to come to you from now on. Can't have my best friend being lonely." Your pout left your face and you looked truly excited to see him. He took in your expression and could only see innocence in your eyes and love, but only of that for a friend, according to him. It gave him a bittersweet feeling.

"Do you promise?" You asked sweetly. He never tried his tricks on you because he couldn't stand to lose you. He knew himself well enough to know that he wasn't the 'relationship' type of man and he wasn't about hurt you by trying to sleep with you only to end up in some other girl's bed sooner or later. The main difference between you and the other girls is that he values you as a friend too much to lose you because of his libido.

"I promise. Nothing will keep me away." Ezio spoke honestly. The love he had for you filling his words but hidden behind the playfulness in his eyes. Maybe, should he ever actually wish to settle down, you'll still be free to be with him but he could only hope. He knew you would make an amazing wife to someone someday and it kind of hurt to know that that person most likely wouldn't be him.

"Good. I'm going to hold you to that." You playfully threatened. Being around you is like the best thing in the world but when you weren't there thoughts of just how much he didn't deserve you whirled around his head. One could say you're the only girl he just can't have.

"Of course my queen." He mocked.

"I expect to see you at least twice a week. No matter who else is waiting you have to come to me or I'll never forgive you." You had already known of his 'activities' when he wasn't with you before your father told you but you didn't care. He was your friend and you loved him with all your heart.

You knew he would never treat you like those other girls but sometimes you liked to imagine yourself as his girlfriend because it was obvious that he held you above any of the girls who he's slept with. You would always be his priority and in return you never took advantage of that. You may have made him promise to come see you but that's because you know he needs an outlet besides vaginas. You were that outlet.

"Of course."

"I mean it Ezio. I won't have your sister kidnapping me because you waited too long to come see me. I'm pretty sure if things end up like last time they'll force us to get married or something so I can't leave you." You said seriously. Once you and your family had been away for a month and when you came back his sister, Claudia, practically kidnapped you.

She dragged you to go see Ezio, telling you how depressed and agitated he'd been since you left. She then threatened to really kidnap you if you ever left her brother alone for so long again and, sadly, you knew she was serious. The second you entered the courtyard Ezio's mother, Maria, and older brother, Federico, came out, incredibly happy to see you.

They were on the verge of begging you to just move in with them so they didn't have deal with him like that again. When you agreed to be around more and not to leave for long stretches of time they squished you in a hug.

Ezio's father, Giovanni, was the only one that remained calm and made them let you go. However, he did shove Ezio out of the house to see you. Ezio did look a little worse for wear since the last time you saw him so you could understand just what they were talking about.

You were surprised when he grabbed you into a relieved hug and wouldn't let you go for like twenty minutes. You ended up sitting in a chair next to him with one of his arms around you, forcing you to lean on him, while he played chess against Federico. Then, Giovanni manipulated you into staying for dinner and, not so subtly, made sure that Ezio sat right next to you the entire time.

" Who said that's such a bad thing? Don't pretend you didn't enjoy it. I can't say I'd mind having you to myself. I'm sure you would make a wonderful wife." He teased.

"That's not the point. Besides, you couldn't keep it in your pants if your life depended on it. I'd be better off in an arranged marriage." You responded pushing away from him.

The words you spoke as a joke had struck a chord in his heart. He began to picture you being forced to marry another man and almost punched something. He couldn't let that happen. He tossed aside the idea of not deserving you from before and decided that he would make himself worthy of you. But first he would make you his using Claudia's threat.

"Oh really. I'm sorry but I just can't let that happen. Why don't we find out what happens when we're apart for even longer?" He smirked mischievously and you knew what he was going to do. He started backing up to the window.

"Don't you dare!" You said and tried to block his exit. He took that as an opportunity to surprise you with a kiss. Your eyes widened and your body seemed to shut down. Your eyes closed and your knees became weak. He wrapped his arms around you before you could fall. The kiss was gentle but full of love. Even when he obtained entrance to your mouth he kept the kiss sweet and slow just for you. When he pulled away you were dazed and had just about forgotten what was going on.

"I will see you later, Mio Amore." He said and kissed your cheek gently before climbing out of the window. You blushed once your sense returned and threw yourself on your bed. You knew it wouldn't be long before you would no longer be able to sleep in it.

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