I'm Sorry (drabble) Ezio x Reader

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A/N: I'm sorry. I know I've been taking forever to update but I haven't forgotten this book. I'm still working on The Savior but I don't know when I'll finish it so in the mean time here's something short.
Ezio x reader Drabble

Today was your anniversary but Ezio was running late again. These days Ezio has been coming home later and later and sometimes he would covered in cuts and bruises. At one point you had to take his robes to stitch them up before they fell apart. Plus from all the first aide you been doing for him you could be considered a doctor in your own right. You hoped that he would come home soon and in one piece. He had promised the week before that he would do his best to be back for your anniversary but it seemed that he had forgotten, again. You sincerely hoped that wasn't the case and that he was just held up somewhere and trying to get home to you. You paced in the entry way to your home waiting for him.

"(Y/N)? Che stai facendo? Che essere a letto adesso?" You heard from behind you. You whirled around to see Ezio in the doorway. He was covered in blood but most of it seemed to not be his. He looked as if he just slaughtered an entire crowd. He approached you and you could tell from the look in his eye and slight smile upon seeing you that he had completely forgotten your anniversary. Your heart broke slightly, it wasn't the first time he had forgotten something important to you. Your eyes narrowed on him and you stepped out his reach when he tried to touch you. Ezio froze and watched you on confusion.

"Che cosa sto facendo? Dove sei stato!? Sei dimenticato che giorno è oggi!?" Ezio flinched at your anger and looked away, thinking of what he could have possibly forgotten. You waited and tapped your foot, getting angrier the longer he took. You could tell the moment he remembered because he tensed up and his eyes immediately turned to look at yours, filled with guilt.

"(Y/N). Mio amore. I am so sorry." He started taking off his blood splattered robes as he slowly approached you. You snorted in disbelief and turned away to head angrily to your bedroom.

"Your 'sorry' means nothing! 'Mio Amore'. It's going to take more than that to make me forgive you!" You spoke harshly as you walked away. You generally weren't this harsh to him but he promised you and he knew how seriously you took promises.

"I know. Just please let me make it up to you! (C/N/N) please just give me a chance?" He said chasing you to your shared bedroom. He caught you around the waist and buried his face into your neck. His bare muscle relaxing against your back as he pressed gentle kisses to your skin. You felt the anger slowly draining away. You really hated when he did this. Because he knew you loved to be held like this and that you would forgive him.

And that's exactly what you did. You forgave him.

(Y/N)? What are you doing? Shouldn't you be in bed now?

What am I doing? Where have you been!? Did you forget what today is!?

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