It's You

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A/N: This is a request from IceWind37.
Edward x Reader

Caroline. Caroline. Caroline. You hated the name so much that you felt the need to growl every time you heard it. But you didn't, of course, so you just referred to her as 'The Witch' in your mind.

You loved Edward. Everything about him made you smile and feel butterflies in your stomach but there is one thing that pisses you off. His obsession with his absent wife is what pisses you off.

You both, along with James and Anne, were drinking in the tavern late at night and he was at the stage of drunk where he does nothing but talk about The Witch and mope. Sadly there was nothing you could do. Edward still loved her with his entire being and you weren't about to kill your fragile relationship by telling him how you feel. You could however get the heck up and leave the tavern which is what you were seriously considering. In fact you actually tried quite a few times but when ever you moved to stand Edward would immediately order more drinks for your table, forcing you to either sit down or act of out character which would immediately start the questioning process and you weren't about to do this with James and Anne so close. God knows the second Edward starts asking questions while you're tipsy they'll immediately pick up on the issue and corner you, but you're not ready for that talk just yet. You figured that you might have no choice but to stay, as usual. Tonight, however, his pining was getting you and you were truly at your wits end. Just that morning Edward had his arm around you talking about how you might just be the most beautiful and one of the most skilled pirates he had ever met and that was saying something considering that he knew Anne. Now his moping about his, hopefully, dead wife, at least that's just what she was in your mind.

"You alright lass?" James whispered, leaning closer to make sure only you could hear him. He was sitting next to you and had been watching your expressions for a while once he noticed you tense up. You inconspicuously leaned into him once he moved back. You didn't want Edward to notice your actions because he would immediately try to cut in and demand to know why you two were so close and what you were talking about. Then he would imagine some kind of fake relationship between the two of you and somehow end up convincing people that and James were together while relentlessly teasing you both, again. The last time he pulled that crap you both had to stage a fake break up because no one would believe you and James weren't together no matter what you said. You both hunted him down and caught him in trap, hanging him upside down from a tree for a while, and threatened to beat him, like a piñata, if he ever did that again.

"Yeah. But do you think you could do me a favor?" You whispered back bringing your mug up to your lips to hide the fact that you were speaking.

"Depends on what it is." James smirked slightly while keeping his eyes ahead.

"Distract Edward for me. I'm getting tired of all this noise and I don't need him questioning me like he's my father." You answered.

"I'll see what I can do." He smiled at you before standing up and moving to Anne. He whispered something in her ear and she nodded. James then moved behind Edward who was sitting across from you but looking to the side thoughtfully. James spun Edward in his seat making him face him and Anne came up to Edward's side and they started talking to him giving you the perfect opportunity to exit without him seeing you. I took my chance and quickly left the tavern after leaving a few reales on the table for your drinks.

You made your way to a secluded spot on the beach before sitting in the sand taking a deep breath. The sea was amazingly beautiful and the stars could easily take your breath away. Night time was your time to relax and lately you didn't even have that because of the drunk that you just left behind. When you had first met Edward had offered you a place in his crew but you shut him down knowing that you wouldn't be able to deal with him. You had your own ship and your own crew. You were one of the most feared pirates on the sea but your beauty often left others fooled into thinking you weren't a threat. Well at least until your sword was at their throat. But here you were getting all worked up because of a guy that doesn't return your affections. But was it really worth it. Pining after someone that loves someone else is truly the worst feeling in the world. You don't think that you should keep doing this. If a fight doesn't kill you this just might so decided then and there to just get it over with. At least if you got it over with you'd still have your pride after you got rejected.

"And who knows maybe after getting my heart broken it'll learn better than to fall in love ever again." You mused aloud with a bitter smile.

"Just who did your heart make you fall in love with?" You heard from behind you and your smile immediately fell and turned to a panicked frown.

"What-. What-. What are you talking about?" You asked and jumped up.

"It's James, isn't it? You love him, right?" He asked, his face was strangely serious for once and it threw you off.

"No. It's not James." You answered, surprisingly calm.

"Then who?" He asked walking closer to you.

"It's you. I love you, Edward."

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