Will You Marry Me? (Charles Lee x Reader)

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A/N: So this was requested by gestrada320 and I actually started this a while ago but life and college got in the way so sorry. I'm currently working on a few requests so until I finish those I probably won't be taking anymore requests. This is not gonna be my best work, fair warning. I really had no idea what to write and I struggled to write with his character. Please forgive me for this!

P.S. I made some changes to the request section so if you're going to request in the future please read it first.


You were lying in your bed. You weren't quite asleep but you certainly weren't fully awake. It's not that you didn't want to be asleep but you were still slightly hung up on an argument you had earlier with your boyfriend. He had a bad habit of forgetting plans that you both made together whenever his stupid friends called him for something. You were tired of being thrown on the back burner for some guys that he's only know for about two years when you've been together for six.

You know he didn't mean to miss out on your plans and he certainly did try to make up for it but you were just tired. You were happy that he had friends that wanted to be around him but you didn't think that you should be forgotten about so often. It's not fair to you when you painstakingly plan out your activities for the day and dress up all nice just for him not to show up or call right before you're supposed to meet and cancel on you.Usually you would get over it very quickly because he would always bring you a gift and spend the remainder of the day watching your favorite movies all day. But this time he had missed your anniversary. Again. Then he had the nerve to be upset at you when you ignored his messages and calls.

You had gone through the trouble of making a romantic dinner, buying a new dress and jewelry, and you even bought him the new laptop that he's been wanting for months. You planned to give it to him when he came to your house but he never showed up and you had waited for five hours. What upset you most is that you had reminded him to come that morning, texted him that afternoon asking what kind of wine he wanted with dinner, and called his phone three times when he didn't show up after an hour of waiting. Obviously you got no response when you called. Then when he decided to finally call you back the next day you sent him straight to voicemail and turned off your phone. You figured that after a few hours of being ignored he'd figure out how upset you were. You spent the remainder of the day pampering yourself. Once five hours had passed you turned on your phone to see thirty missed calls and ten text messages. The texts went from apologies to being pissed that you weren't answering. You decided to ignore the more agitating ones because it seemed like he had legitimately just forgotten. That's when you decided to call him back.

At first he was upset before you pointed out how he had been the one to ignore your calls the previous night. Then he gave a weak apology and at that moment you could just tell from the sound of his voice that he was hungover from a night of drinking. You even heard some of his friends in the background, letting you know that he had either gone to one of their houses and had a good old time or they were at his while you were sitting there alone and waiting for him. At that point you finally snapped at him.

"I hope you had fun spending our anniversary with your friends you fucking asshole. Don't bother coming over later. You obviously want to spend time with your fucking boyfriends so you don't need a girlfriend too. Have a nice life." You then hung up on him, too pissed to care about his apology. You had been the forgiving and supportive girlfriend for way too long and he just kept taking it for granted so you decided that he can go fuck himself.

"He doesn't even deserve a loyal girlfriend like me. Fucking asshole," But you did kind of miss him. He was a sweetheart to you. He always got your favorite sweets when you were pmsing and he always knew what you needed to hear when you felt down about something that happened during the day. But he was still a jackass. A jackass that kept abandoning his girlfriend for a bunch of grown men that needed to find relationships of their own.

"(Y/N)" You heard a voice say. You thought you were going crazy for a minute before realizing the sound was coming from the other side of your locked bedroom door.

"Charles?" You questioned tiredly. You wondered how he even got in your house.

"(Y/N), please open the door." It was then that you remembered that you had given him a key to your house.

"Go back to your friends Charles. I told you that we're over," You called monotonously from your bed.

"(Y/N) I'm sorry. I didn't mean to forget our anniversary. I got a bit distracted and it completely slipped my mind."

"You know, I'd probably be more forgiving if you hadn't done this almost every time we had plans for the last two years. You just don't have space in your life for a girlfriend," You said with a roll of the eyes.


"Charles. You made it very clear that you'd  prefer to spend your time with them. In fact I'm doing you a favor, now you don't have to choose. Please leave the keys on the table on your way out,"

"(Y/N) please-" You whipped the door open and faced him with the most pissed off expression you'd ever made.

"No Charles! I'm done! I'm tired of waiting for you to be available so we can spend time together. I'm tired of making plans only to be left waiting for someone that's not going to show up! I'm tired of being put in second place when we've been together for triple the amount of time you've even known them! I'm tired of trying so hard to accommodate you while you're trying so hard to accommodate them. I'm done Charles. I don't deserve to be left behind every single time they call for you. I don't deserve to be treated like I don't matter. I deserve so much more for putting up with this shit for so damn long," You ranted before finally losing steam.

"I know I messed up. But I never meant to make you feel like you weren't important. I'm sorry. Please tell me what I need to do. I don't know how to fix it," You scoffed and moved further in your room while he hesitated for a second at the door.

"You didn't act like you wanted to be with me before so don't act like it now," You said and sat on the edge of your bed.

"I'm not acting! It's never been an act!"

"Then prove it! Prove to me that you love me!"

"Then give me another chance!"

"Am I just supposed to believe that it'll change? It's been this way for two years already! You can't change," You were getting tired of the discussion. You truly felt that if you took him back things would be no different, not unless he was willing to truly commit to you.

"I can change. I will change."

"Yeah well talk is cheap," You snorted and rolled your eyes.

"Fine. Then I'll show you," He said and you watched him reach into his pocket. You were even more confused when he approached you and got down on one knee. You dumbly realized what was happening when he held up a small black box.

"W-what are you d-doing?!"

"(Y/N), I know I haven't been the best partner lately and I know that you probably want to slap me ten times over...but I also know that you still love me. I love you too and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Yesterday I had planned to propose but I got cold feet and we went for a few drinks so I could calm down but things got out of hand. I know it's no excuse but I just want you to know that I never stop thinking about you, even when I'm with them. We've been together for six years and I still find you to be the most beautiful woman I've ever met. Not long after we met I knew you'd be the woman I'd spend the rest of my life with. So, even though this is a little late, (Y/N) (L/N) will you marry me?"

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