The Barmaid 3

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The Barmaid 3

"You're right. Thank you, Anne!" You hop up and run out of the door with a smiling Anne watching you go. You run to the only place you can think of for Mary to be, the docks. As you get close to Mary's ship you see them getting ready to set sail. You speed up and force yourself onto the ship, pushing past the surprised and burly men blocking the way in your trek to reach Mary. She, in her James disguise, watches you, the most surprised and confused of all, from the ship's helm.

"Can we please talk?" You ask walking up to her. She watches you wearily and nods before leading you to her cabin. She places a hand on your back and brings you to sit on her bed. You assume she did it out of habit because she seemed to tense and pull away from you. You take her hand and she watches, once again shocked, as you entwine your fingers and place them in your lap.

"Why are you leaving?" You ask, looking her in the eye.

"I thought ye would hate me." You sigh and roll your eyes playfully.

"I told you that I loved you. How could I ever hate you?" Mary stares and you could see the confusion in her eyes but besides that you could see something else, hope and love.

"I thought ye would hate me for lying t' ye."

"Sure I was upset at first but if I can love you I can also forgive you. Why? Should I hate you? I mean if you don't want me to love you anymore I guess I could try to hate you." You tease.

Mary watches you in awe for a moment before pulling you into a much appreciated and satisfying kiss. You kiss back and find that even though you know that you're kissing a woman it's still the best kiss of your life. You melt into the kiss and question how you could have gone so long without such a heavenly feeling in your life. You also remembered why it was so easy for her to get you to forgive her before and are glad she made it a point to keep as much physical contact whenever you were together as possible. You don't notice when she lays you back on the bed but when she climbs on top of you you're quick to wrap your arms around her neck and line up your body with her own. You pull her against you and make sure there is no space between you. After a few minutes she groans and pulls away, keeping a good amount of distance between your lips. No matter how much you whine she refuses to kiss you again. You eventually just start to kiss her neck, purposely leaving a series of marks on her skin.

"Shite love, stop! We still need t' talk." She said panting above you seriously struggling to keep from just taking you then and there.

"Okay then talk." You pout but continue marking her neck.

"I can't do that with ye tempting me like this." She answered.

"But I can't help it. I missed you so much and I just can't keep my hands off of you." You answer and press a quick kiss to her lips during one of her weak seconds before returning to her neck.

"Please, love. If ye don't stop now I can't guarantee that I'll be able t' keep my self from absolutely ravishing ye. If I get my hands on ye then I will have ye screaming my name and that's a promise." She whispered into your ear lustfully. You moaned and shifted helplessly at the surge of want that races through you for the woman on top of you. You bite your lip and truly wonder how you could question if you could love her when all you want right now is for her to make good on her promise.

"Would that really be such a bad thing though?" You whisper back. Mary raises an eyebrow at you before leaning down and planting a gentle kiss on your lips. She trails down to your neck and peppers kisses across it until she reaches your sweet spot, that she already had memorized. Upon reaching it she nips at the spot and sucks hard, making sure to leave a mark that wouldn't disappear for at least a couple days. You bite your lip to hold back any sound but when she continues to leave more and more love bites on your skin you can't help but to arch in to her and let out a wanton moan. You grip her back and move your head to the side to give her more access. All the while forcing your bodies together and rocking yourself against her, in search of much needed friction. Your pupils are dilated with pleasure and your lips are cherry red from the harshness of your teeth against them. You keen in disappointment when she pulls back and looks at you with a smirk.

"Considering we're in my ship's cabin and ye'll no doubt be screaming Mary then yes it would. Although I suppose if we were at yer house it wouldn't be a problem at all." She teased and quickly pulled you to your feet. You pout at her and childishly turn your back to her.

"..." You refuse to respond to her because she got you all riled up with her teasing. She laughs softly at you and wraps her around your waist before pulling you to her, resting your back against her chest. Her chin rests on your shoulder and a wide smile stretches across her face when she catches sight of the petulant look you give her.

"Come on, lass. We could always continue later." She nuzzles into your neck and presses a gentle kiss, the intentions different from the previous ones she placed, that soothes you.

"I don't like being teased, Mary." You answer sulkily and she rolls her eyes at you.

"I know but we really do have t' talk about what we're going t' do now. I promise later on I'll do anything but tease ye." She says and you nod reluctantly before turning around in her arm to give her your full attention.

"Fine. What do you want to do?" You ask.

"I want t' be with ye. No more avoiding each other. No more being angry with each other. No running away. No lying. No seeing other people. Just us being together."

"Really?" You smile sweetly at her.


"I want that too." You blush. Mary smiles at you and uses one hand to caress your cheek before placing a chaste kiss on your lips.

"I love ye." She whispers, resting her forehead against yours.

"I love you too." You whisper back.

~The End~

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