First Meetings (Ezio x Russian Reader)

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A/N: Sorry this took so long. I've been busy doing other things and as such I've been neglecting my faithful readers. This was requested by Serena Locksley.

You were accompanying your father while he spoke with Giovanni Auditore when you first saw him. The ever charming Ezio Auditore was caught staring at the Russian beauty that was yourself. You weren't exactly sure why he kept looking at you and looking away when you caught him but you were getting both annoyed and nervous. You knew you didn't have the look of a classic Italian beauty considering you weren't from Italy and that's what made you nervous whenever guys looked at you.

(1)"Прекратите смотреть на мальчика Аудиторе. Это грубо, и я не хочу, чтобы вы положить какие-либо мысли в его голове." Your father whispered to you and you immediately turned away from him. You could feel his eyes on you and practically burned with the need to make him look away. You were blessedly distracted by your father calling you.

(2)"Да отец?" You spoke respectfully.

(3) "Жди здесь. Я должен поговорить с бизнес-Джованни. Я вернусь через минуту. Мы будем идти домой после того, как." He explained giving you a reassuring smile, he's very aware of how uncomfortable you are being in the same room as a stranger alone, before leaving. As his youngest daughter he tends to be protective of you and as such allows you to follow him everywhere. You're the definition of a daddy's girl.

"You seem to be very close to your father, bella." Ezio spoke from his position across the room.

"I look up to him. He's a very good man." You responded with a loving smile at the mention of such a wondrous figure in your life. If there was one way to make you smile it was mentioning your father.

"I hope someone speaks of me so fondly one day." He jokes and you let out a slight giggle.

"Maybe one day you will. However, you would have to be pretty great for that to happen." You shyly joke back.

"Maybe. What is your name bella?" He asked with a warm smile on his face.

"(Y/N). And I already know who you are Ezio Auditore. You have quite a reputation among the girls of Firenze." I said with a fake scandalous look while he looked embarrassed and sheepishly rubbed his neck.

"Well I-I don't know what to say about that but um-" You giggled and he instantly shut up.

"Relax Ezio, you're male. I understand. I won't judge you. Besides quite a few of the girls spoke good things about you. It seems you left a lasting impression on quite a few of them." You said with a wide smile at the slightly red-faced boy.

"Well bella I hope I leave such an impression on you as well." He said smugly and you became the color of a tomato just as your father walked out and caught sight of the laughing Ezio and blushing, but smiling, at you. He wasn't sure what was happening but he couldn't begrudge a man that made his little girl smile so he overlooked the obvious flirtation that just occurred. At the sight of your father your face lit up and he was content knowing he was still the most important man in your life. Your innocence is what he cherished the most. He knew it was only a matter of time before he would have to give you away so he relished the little time he had left.

(4) "Приехать. Мы должны уйти сейчас. Твоя мать ждет, и она обязана быть обеспокоены. Мы взяли больше, чем я ожидал." He said with a smile. You bid your good byes before following your father. You looked back for a split second and saw Ezio smiling at you. You sent a bright smile his way, already knowing that he would soon become a very prominent aspect of your life in Firenze.


(1) Stop looking at the Auditore boy. It's rude and I don't want you putting any thoughts in his head.

(2) Yes father?

(3) Wait here. I must speak business with Giovanni. I will be back in a moment. We will go home after.

(4) Come. We must leave now. Your mother is waiting and she is bound to be worried. We've taken longer than I expected.

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