Chapter 1 ***

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Hi everyone! It's Lanie here! I wanted to clear something up about Alice's "Flat". It's an apartment-sized home on an acreage in Wicklow. Thank you so much for checking this out <3

      My alarm clock went off with a loud beep. I groaned and squinted at the screen. 6:30. Time to go feed my horse. I clutched my phone and threw on my favorite red and black flannel shirt and skinny jeans. The brisk morning air hit my face with the slight scent of rain. My small flat in Wicklow was so simple, yet so beautiful. Only a few acres, but it seemed to go on forever. Wicklow, Ireland itself was the most picturesque place, the kind you hear of in fairytales told by a grandmother or favorite aunt, with rolling hills and mountains peeking over the horizon. My mare Bella nickered softly at me when she saw me coming up over the green hill. Small footsteps thumped quietly alongside me, and I looked over to see Skip, my furry golden retriever dog trotting beside me.

As I approached the door to Bella's modest stable, I looked for my favorite song on my phone. 'Someone New' by Hozier, who is from my beloved Wicklow. The Bluetooth speakers sitting on the hay bales connected, and I poured Bella's grain, a cup and a half of sweet feed; all the while singing softly along to Hozier's mesmerizing, soulful voice. I dumped grain into Bella's orange feed box that hung upon her manger and pulled out some brushes to groom her. Her creamy, dappled coat shone from daily grooming. When she finished her grain, she stood quietly as I finished cleaning her up.
By this time, 'Someone New' had finished playing, and now another one of my favorite songs turned on; a hauntingly beautiful song also by Hozier called 'In A Week'. Bella's vintage, intricately tooled western saddle hung on the wall across from the hay. I shook the dust off of my saddle blanket; an older blue and brown one I had for a long time. As I looked out the barn's window, the sun had just began to come over the horizon and it looked as though it would be a wondrous day for a ride. I saddled Bella up and got her ready .
I took a last sip of some tea I had brought to the barn with me before swinging gently into the saddle and setting out onto the quiet road. Bella's ears pricked as we both heard a familiar song coming from the attic of a  house on neighboring flat. "I fall in love just a little, oh a little bit every day with someone new" . I froze: am I dreaming, or is that really Hozier's voice? I really didn't want to stop and stare, so Bella and I continued on our ride. Bella squirmed underneath me, begging for a quick gallop to the top of the dirt road on the hill. I allowed her, and we felt free, both our manes streaming out behind us, and we must have been quite the sight; me squealing with joy and her snorting and tossing a few choppy kicks in.
I sighed as I looked at the time and realized it was time to head back so I wouldn't be late for work. Bella plodded back to the stable and entered her pen. I pulled her saddle and bridle off. She put her head down and grazed on the sweet grass.
I jogged to the house to take a quick shower to get the horsy smell off of me. I decided to leave my hair down today, and my brown locks flowed smoothly down around my waist. I put on my red and black flannel again and my skinny jeans, but traded my cowboy boots in for less muddy pair of combat boots.
I scrambled out the door, as I was running somewhat late. My black truck waited for me as I climbed in and started it. Why hadn't I gotten gas? My tank veered dangerously near the empty sign. I'm sure I can get some after work... I pulled up to the café where I work and parked my old truck in its usual spot. "Be good, old fellow." I said jokingly and patted the dented hood. I pushed open the café door and heard the familiar clang of the bells strapped to the handle. " Alice! You're one minute late!" Shouted my manager. Crap. I was almost around the corner! Please don't yell at me again. I crossed my fingers. My manager, Baird Bainbridge stormed around the corner. "This is the last time you will be late to MY café!"

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