Chapter 18 ***

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      The band strolls in right before Andy goes on and he flies over to Alex. "AAAALEXXX!! I MISSSED YOOOU!!" He screams as Alex leaps into his arms.
The girls and I laugh so hard that all of our eyeliners are smeared with tears. A perky young news anchor is chatting about current events. She signals Andy to come on stage and he puts Alex down sadly. He blows a kiss at me and strolls casually onto the stage, waving at the camera. The news anchor's eyes widen and take in Andy, all 6'5 of his utter beauty. She greets him and introduces him. Andy gets asked all of the usual questions, "who influenced you most?" And "what is Take Me To Church about?" and others. But the news anchor unexpectedly pulls up Andy's Instagram picture of Bella and I in the sunset on the large screen behind she and Andy's chairs. She looks at him dead on. "Hozier? Can you answer the question all your fans have been wondering about for a month now?"
He looks around nervously, as he was keeping our relationship a secret from the media for now. "Ehm sure...?" He nods shakily. "Alright. Can you tell us who this girl is?" She points to Bella and I. Andy looks to the left of stage where I'm standing and I reassuringly give him a thumbs up. "Tsss...that's Bella, this horse that attacked Alex's car and chewed his windshield." He grins at me and then back at the lady. She looks frustrated. "I was asking about the girl on the horse." She says flatly. He winks at me and continues. He's so clever, that Andy... "Well that's Alice. She's our newest backup singer." The lady looks rather skeptical, "She isn't, say, your girlfriend or anything, this Alice?"
"Alice, I'm spilling the beans!!" He shouts. "Yeah this is my girlfriend." The whole band gasps quite loud. Rachel and Mia hug me and squeal. "Alice, it's official!" Andy glances over at us. "Did you bring Alice here today, Hozier?" Andy grins. "Well yeah. I'd have had an anxiety attack without her here to calm me down." This lady leans over to look at the band and I. "Can we bring Alice onto stage?"
An older lady in a pantsuit motions me onto the set. I jog over in my cat patterned Keds. "So this is the famed Alice?" I shake her hand, "Yep. In the flesh." Andy chuckles. "So Alice, you have a horse? Tell me more." The lady says to me. I push some hair off my face. "Well two actually. Andy was riding the other horse, Benji, when he took that picture. My horse, Bella's been with me since I was ten. So she's thirteen now and I brought her across the ocean to Wicklow with me." The news anchor lady looks at me again. "You lived in Nebraska, right?" I nod, dreading the next question. "What brought you to Wicklow, Ireland?" My eyes widen and I start to get teared up about Smokey again. 2 years and the pain of his loss still hurts like the first day... "Excuse me for a minute." I shakily say, my voice cracking. I take several deep breaths off set, while the band looks on concernedly. I pull it together and run onto stage again.
"Are you ok Alice?" The lady asks. "Me? Yeah I'm pretty neat." I reference Neature Walk from youtube. (A great video, you should watch it btw.) The anchor starts to ask me the question she was going to ask before I excused myself, but Andy shakes head his no. We are asked several questions about our relationship and it's really uncomfortable for the both of us. Andy shifts uneasily in his seat and I, next to him run my hands through my hair. Neither of us really enjoy the spotlight.
Finally the interview is over and we decide to go relax at the hotel for a while. When we walk through the hotel door, I notice a sign advertising a rather nice looking pool on it. I grab Andy's arm, squealing. "We haaaave to go to the poool while we're here, Andy!" The girls nod in agreement and we fly down the hallways to put on our swimsuits. I pull on a black, floral-patterned lacy one and pull my hair into a bun on the top of my head so as not to get it wet. I (sort of) drag Andy down the hallway after me as I locate the pool which is not easy as pulling 6'5 and clumsy does not go far when you're a foot and and inch shorter and 2x the klutz yourself.
"Where's your swimsuit, baby?" I poke Andy, asking. He pushes a stray hair out of his face and shrugs. "Those fangirls would pee themselves at the spectacle of my glorious abs." He declares, patting his fabled 6-pack. I raise my eyebrow and laugh like a fool. We finally find the pool after asking several room service people. There's nobody else there, thank goodness. The band rushes in after us to swim. I race Lorraine to the side of the pool and jump with the grace of a walrus. A couple hours and 5 soaked girls later, we decide to go get ready for a sound check.
I dry myself off and hug Andy tightly. "Did you and your baes Alex and Rory have fun?" He looked at me funny, his head slightly tilted like a confused puppy. "A bae?" He tastes the word as he says it. "What is a bae?" He questions. I squint, trying to think. "I'm pretty sure it means 'before anyone else', but don't quote me on it." Andy scratches his hair and nods. "Ok... Americans and their odd words!"

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