Chapter 16 ***

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      I heard a roar of applause and a chorus of screams as we strolled onto stage. The lights pretty much blinded me as I took up my place in the back of the area. Andy introduced himself and started to play 'Like Real People Do'. I questioningly looked at Rachel. "We didn't do them in this order during practice!" I mouthed. She shrugged, "We'll have to deal with it I guess..." We finished the song and Andy chatted for a bit with his fans. He then called me to stand next to him. He introduced me as I ran over, highly confused. I looked at him. He handed me his microphone and I waved at the masses of people. "Hi! I'm Alice! I'm so stoked to be here with all of you!" A clearly drunk man jumped out of the second row and screamed at me "TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRT SO WE CAN SEE YOUR BREASTS!!" My cheeks reddened to a fire truck color. I felt queasy and weak in the knees and found the world to be spinning as I passed out.
      I vaguely felt Andy catch me and carry me gently to backstage. Alex took up the mic to distract the audience. He played an improvised song with Mia and Lorraine while Rachel followed Andy. My eyes opened and I heard a relieved sigh. "She's come-to" I heard Andy say to a group of my concerned friends. He stroked my face softly. "Alice? Are you ok?" I nodded and tried to sit up. "No, baby. Not yet." Andy gently whispered. Our manager was frantically talking on her phone, trying to get the man who had yelled at me kicked out. Andy was sitting next to me and pushed a hair off my face. "Alice...Ehm... We're canceling the rest of our concert." I shook my head. "Andy, we don't need to. I feel fine, honest." He looked intently at me as I sat up, I felt dizzy, but it was good to be up again.
Andy offered me his hand and I stood up. Our manager fussed over me, talking quickly and asking me questions. "Alice! Are you sure you can do this? Do you feel ok?" I nodded and Andy and I walked hand in hand onto stage. The crowd- minus the creepy man, who was kicked out, erupted into applause. Andy and I stepped up to the microphones to apologize for the delay. I began talking. "Hi guys... I'm sorry about that... I'm fine now. That just gave me a scare." The band started to play 'In A Week'. Andy and I sang through it, and he watched me attentively as we progressed to the end of the song, and then finished up. The set of songs went quickly and we soon went backstage for a wave of meet and greets. Several young girls hugged me and told me I did amazing. They apologized for the man's rude comment and reassured me. I thanked them and took pictures with them.
It was finally time to head back to our hotel to get some much-needed sleep. Andy picked me up like a baby and carried me to my room. "Go get your stuff, Alice. You're staying with me tonight." I gathered it up and followed him to his room. There were two beds in his so I could have my own.
He smiled at me and flipped the tv on. I heard the intro to 'Rushmore' starting and squealed. "Andy! You know me too well!" He handed me a DVD of it, autographed by *Jason Schwartzman* (who played Max)! I hugged him and thanked him a bunch of times. He then took off his dark leather jacket to show me that the Rushmore Punctuality award was pinned to his red and black flannel. He then pinned the Perfect attendance pin to my shirt. I kissed him. He smiled, "Alice- you were amazing tonight! You came back after the perv, and were so brave." He's so kind. "You are the best boy friend I honestly could've hoped for, baby!" I told him.
We get into bed, excited for our last show in San Francisco. "Goodnight, my sweet Alice of Wicklow." Andy softly says. "Goodnight my handsome and talented Andy of Wicklow." I reply. At that, I close my eyes and drift off...

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