Chapter 29 ***

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Can we stop for a minute to appreciate how adorable this picture of Andrew is? 😍❤️ he's so cute! Anywho, this is one of the last chapters in this book. Mild swearing warning for this chapter. I'm 90% sure I will be writing a sequel, though :)

With Andrew's arm around my waist, I feel significantly less anxious about tonight's performance. Andrew looks at this watch, and smiles. "We've 30 minutes to ourselves, Alice!" I grin. "That old tree looks like a most comfortable spot to sit." I point at a huge, burly oak with vibrant green leaves. Andrew grabs my hand and takes off running towards the spot, guitar in one hand and my hand in his other.
He plops down quickly and pats the grass next to him for me to sit. I (most clumsily) sit with my legs straight out beside Andy. He sighs, relaxed, because for once, we are completely alone. God it feels good to be alone with Andrew. He takes his man bun out and shakes his wild mane like a horse.
He puts his arm back around my waist and just looks around. "I see why you missed Nebraska so. It's wondrous here." He comments. "It's mostly just cows and rednecks if you go too far south, but the rest is pretty good I guess." I reply, thinking of my past run-ins with some bigots while buying horse feed a few years ago.
I tense up at one particular bad memory. When I was just 21, I was at a rodeo and a horde of cowboys were flirting up a storm at me. It was extremely annoying, not to mention their poor horses looked uncomfortable throughout the event. I tried at first to ignore them, but they wouldn't stop.
At last, when those assbags wouldn't stop, a seemingly nice cowboy chased them off. He was charming and attractive, and he soon became my first boyfriend. His name was Connor. At first our relationship was great and all, we were even given "'Ship Names" by friends, and it seemed too good to be true.
After a while though, Connor asked me to marry him. I didn't know what to think, so I told him I'd have to wait a couple years before I made a decision like that. I was going to college back then, and had a crapload of stuff to handle. He got all pissy and sour at me, and degraded me and called me horrible names that I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy.
After a couple weeks of this constant flow of degrading, I took my truck and a huge poster that read "Dearest Connor, I'm breaking up with your sorry a**. Don't ever talk to me again. -Alice . I drove my truck over his lawn and ruined a few lawn decorations, and then hung the poster on his car.
My self confidence was tarnished, for a long time, until I met Maeve when I moved to my dear Ireland. I still have social anxiety at times and self-confidence issues, but I'm much better than I used to be.
Andrew pushes hair out of his eyes. "Love, are you alright?" I snap out of my flashback. "Oh, yeah. I'm good." Andrew looks concerned. "I'm not particularly convinced, please tell me what's bothering you."
      I start to tell him about my rather unfortunate last relationship. He warmly hugs me the whole time. "My love, I will never treat you like that, even if we don't work out as a couple." I put my head on his chest. "I love you, Andrew Hozier-Byrne." He smiles. "And I love you Alice Morgan-Byrne." I look up. "Alice Byrne? Andrew, what are you thinking?" He grins mischievously. "I've got the next 5 years planned out. We will get married next year and have two kids, and name them-!" I interrupt him, knowing where this is going. "Jackie and Wilson! And raise them on Rhythm and Blues!" He smiles, nodding his head. "Precisely. Have you got a Lexus is my question?" I shake my head, laughing. "Guess we'll have to steal a Lexus, be detectives and ride 'round pickin' up clues."
We laugh at this for a considerable amount of time before he takes my hand in his and we just lean on each other under the huge oak tree. Andrew sighs, and I can tell he's thinking about his ex girlfriend, Lydia. I ask what's wrong to try and get some answers, as I've been wondering what happened between them before I knew Andrew. He agrees to tell me, after some begging on my part.
"Ehm... I had known Lydia for a couple years- you see, we went to secondary school together. In our 12th year, she made the first move and took me on a date or two. All she seemed to care about was sex, though. I mean, Ehm... I think sex and sexuality are beautiful things, but she was obsessed. I told her I couldn't be around her if all she wanted to do was sex. She got so mean in the end. She called me choice words I wish to not repeat and she was just awful to be around."
I softly pat his back. "Connor rarely wanted to have sex, apparently it was 'against his religion' to do so before marriage. The last thing that scoundrel ever said to me was 'I'm glad I was cheating on you the whole time! You weren't worth my time, you b*tch.' I wish I had never even met him. He just... Hurt me in a way that... I mean, I don't feel as though I will be the same again, you know?"
He nods. "Ehm... relationships are great, but once you become separated from someone after a bad one, you feel quaint and self conscious. It's truly perplexing."
I agree with this, being more grateful that I departed from that little Saukerl ("Dirty Pig Boy" in German) Connor long ago. I wrap my arms around Andrew hugging him close. He does the same to me, as I get that funky feeling I got the first time I saw him. He takes one arm back, and tucks a lock of hair out of his eyes. "It's what we lack in ourselves that we're attracted to in others." Andrew says after a short silence between us. "I agree. For example, I lack in height and I'm attracted to you because you tower over me!" Andrew chuckles at this and nods. "Very true. I've not met many folks taller than myself before."
      Alex shoots out of a bush suddenly as Andrew opens his mouth to say something. "HEY!" He yells like a banshee as Andrew jumps, startled. "What was that for, Alex?" He demands jokingly. "Oh, um, our manager requests our presence on stage for some reason." Andrew peeks at his watch. "Why? It's only 4...?" Alex shrugs. "How am I supposed to know? She just said 'Go get Andrew and Alice.' So I did."
Andrew picks up my hand, along with his guitar case, and hops up. "Damn. I wish we just had a little time to play some stuff. I was fixing to play Van Morrison's 'Sweet Thing'." I nod. "Me too." We stroll over to the stage, getting through security briefly, as our manager flies through the amphitheater. "Oh thank goodness you're all here!" We look confusedly around. "Huh?"
"It's just that fans are wandering the area now and I didn't want you to get bombarded. "But we have like 15 more minutes of free time!" The band complains. "Ok fine. But you'd best come back without getting chased around in the woods somewhere." I smile mischievously. "SICK HOZIER REFERENCE, NANCY!" I belt out. Andrew and Alex are beside themselves laughing at my comment.
A long-fingered hand reaches out in my direction, expecting to receive my smaller one. I gladly take Andrew's hand. "Whaddya say we go run or something?" I offer. "My lungs will bleed if we run far, I'm flipping out of shape!" Andrew replies. "Holy shit. I see a dog!" I sprint over to a cute golden retriever by the kids' playground. "OhmygodcanIpetyourdog?" I jumble out. The owner of the dog looks at me funny as I feel Andrew's hand on my back. "Ehm... We're touring musicians and she misses her dog at home." He explains. The owner backs up obligingly. "Be my guest. Lucy would love to be petted." I stroke the soft dog for longer than socially acceptable and before long, Andrew is pulling my away. "Thanks so much!" I wave as I say goodbye to the cute dog. "Let's go rock Pinewood Bowl!",cries Andrew as the stage's lights shine sharply into to the sky.

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