Chapter 26 ***

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Hi guys! Lanie here :) Thank you all so so much for reading and voting on my stories <3 it really means a lot to me!

Gibby sounds amazing tonight. I honestly couldn't have asked for a better guitar. Andrew knows me so well and has exceeded my wildest expectations for a boyfriend. When I look over at him, his long fingers dance over the many frets of his guitar as he strums and glances expectantly at me when I stop playing. I smile. "I was watching you, you guitar wizard!" He grins.
"Andrew, can you show me a few barre chords on Gibby? I haven't ever been able to play them..." His eyes light up like and eager puppy and he nods quickly. Setting his guitar down, he sits behind me on the crate and arranges my fingers around a couple frets. "Here. Play this one. It's a 'C'." He whispers softly into my ear. I glide my thumb over the strings. It sounds very nice compared to my usual flat and ever so awkward 'C' open chord.
He smiles happily. "Brilliant, my love!" I blush and he arranges my fingers on an F-Minor, a chord even my father could never hit. I strum this one out and it sounds great again. "Wow, Andy. I didn't think I'd be able to hit that one ever." I look up from Gibby momentarily and see three faces, totem-poled up and down a wall peering at Andy and I. Mia, LoLo and Rachael are smirking childishly at Andrew and I. "Andy and Alice, sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage!" They howl at us.
Alex runs over towing a reluctant Rory. "See look Rory. I told you that Andrew and Alice are a "thing". Now do you believe me?" Rory nods shyly and walks back to his drums. Mia giggles and takes a picture of Andrew putting my fingers into position for another barre chord. "You two are like, couple goals!" Rach exclaims. Andrew looks confused and whispers in my ear. "What does that mean?" I think for a second. "It means that other couples want to be like us." He nods. "Ok."
I play Vance Joy's 'Mess Is Mine' on Gibby and Andrew smiles. "Would you like to see him live sometime?" I nod furiously. "Yes! Absolutely!" Andrew's manager pops out from around the corner. "What's going on over here? Why does Alice have a guitar and why aren't you two on stage? Soundcheck started 15 minutes ago." I blush awkwardly and Andrew's hand finds its way to his neck and he runs it up and down. "Ehm... We were... Ehm... Warming up?" She takes his hand in a motherly fashion and pulls him up and onto stage. "Alice you too." I reluctantly set Gibby on his stand and trot onto stage.
Andrew grabs the mic and announces to an audience of ghosts. "I am the "Take Me to Church Guy" and I'm here to play some soundcheckage for you all." Alex snorts and laughs. "What the hell, Andrew? There's nobody in the audience." Andrew turns dramatically around and pointedly glares at Alex. "Mr. Alex, that was very disrespectful to all the fine ghost folk out there." He makes a sweeping gesture with his arm.
      I snicker and turn away from my microphone so my inner child isn't broadcasted to Andrew's "ghost audience". We go through our set, and then we have the rest of the day to just hang out and explore the Austin music hall. I grab Andrew's hand, taking off down an intriguing and particularly dark corridor. He looks back reluctantly, "Alice... This maybe isn't a good... Idea." I shake my head. "It's ok. We just need some adventure music!" I turn on my phone and play a song called 'Fool For Love' by Lord Huron.
Andrew agrees to keep running after me. My Chuck Taylor's squeal as I screech to a halt at a shadowy room that looks like it hasn't been touched in years. "Let's go in this room!" Andrew shakes his head. "Nope. Too icky." I pout. "C'mon Andyyyyy! It'll be funnnn!" He stands firmly in his spot and I know my small self will most certainly not be able to move him.
"I'll go it alone then... By myself..." I enter the room and flip a light-switch. The yellow shine of a single bulb bathes the room in a warm glow. I peek behind some old play props and something moves. I jump and gasp, low-key freaked out. As I look to investigate the whereabouts of the noise, Alex jumps out from behind immense maroon velvet curtains. I about faint on the spot and nearly pee myself, while Alex laughs his childish ass off.
"Alex! What did I do to deserve that?!" He is laughing so hard he has hiccups and can't answer me yet. "I just-" he starts but is interrupted by a hiccup. "-wanted to explore this cool old pla- hiccup - ce, but you and Andy left me."

      I pull Alex out of the room to Andy, who is laughing equally as hard as Alex. "YOU GOT HER GO-OO-O-D!" I sassily turn around. "Andrew Hozier Byrne! You were in on this?" He widens his eyes and smiles awkwardly. "Ehm... Yes...?" I snicker. "You two..." We head back to the main stage with the intention of getting to know the surroundings.
A few hours later, Mia runs in to tell us that it's time for hair and makeup to be fixed. I sigh, and Andrew and Alex go to their man dressing room to get ready. The girls are sitting in makeup chairs, flanked by stylists who smell like the inside of a store called Ulta. One rushes over to me and sits me down hurriedly, saying "We only have 3 hours to get ready!" I look pointedly at my phone. Three hours?! It takes me like ten minutes to get ready in the mornings!
      I swipe through my old Instagram, stalking myself from the past. I grin upon clicking on a picture of me on the day I received my first guitar, a soft pink Fender Stratocaster named Fabio. Mia taps me on the shoulder. "Alice, what are you looking at that's so great? I wanna see!" I show her the old picture, my face happy as can be and the guitar new and shining.
      I basically learned to play on that guitar. That one and two others. One, a beige Fender Telecaster and two, a tan Alvarez acoustic guitar. Andrew texts me and I smile at his very suave approach.

Hello my beautiful Alice <3 Hope you are having fun w/ makeup that you don't really need. You're already so stunning baby. Love you!

Hello babe <3 you're the very sweetest of them all and I'm so grateful to have you. Love you.

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