Chapter 15 ***

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      I began singing my part to 'In A Week', and I looked into Andy's magical eyes, taking in his true beauty as he did the same with me. When the song was over, I was shaking with excitement. Honestly if this isn't a dream I've got it pretty frickin' good. Andy held my hand and lifted it into the air. "Believe it or not this is Alice here's first performance on stage. She was incredible. Am I right?" The crowd went insane.
      I waved, addressing the crowd with a grin. "Thank you all so much. I honestly can't believe I'm here. You are so very sweet." I put the mic back onto its stand and resumed my place. We finished up and encored, and headed backstage for meet and greets. Andy kissed me and smiled broadly. "Alice! You were so amazing!" I thanked him and he and I walked hand in hand to where fans were waiting. It was getting chilly and I grabbed my red and black flannel to put on over my dress. Young girls ran up to Andy and took many a selfie and picture with him. I stood off to the side, watching him recieve gifts such as drawings and Marvel tee shirts and cookies. What really surprised me though, was that people wanted their picture taken with me too! I happily obliged and took pictures with multiple fans and walked back to the bus with Andy.
      We drove quickly to a nice hotel to spend the night at. I collapsed onto the bed in my room with an elephant seal-like noise. I showered and got into bed. I slept until 9:00, when I was woken up by Andy knocking at my door. "Alice. We're going for a sound check in an hour and a half. Can I come in?" I stumbled sleepily to the door and opened it. We kissed briefly and he came in and sat on my bed. "What do you want for breakfast?" I asked at last. He thought for a moment. "Ehm... Waffles?" Crap he knows me so well. We talked about last night and I found myself to be rather spaced-out. Andy asked me a question twice before I heard it. "Oh. Uh... It's just horse withdrawal." I said. He chuckled. "Alice is that a real thing?" I nodded. "By my standards yes."
I got ready for the day and he led me out of the hotel and down the street to a ~mystery~ place. We rounded the corner to see a herd carriage horses parked up and down the street. I Squealed like a little girl and ran myself tired petting each horse multiple times and showering them with treats I had coincidentally found in my pockets.
      Andy was laughing at me fussing over horses I had never met, treating them as my own. He ran a hand through his hair and smiled at me. "If only a gent like me could get treated as well those horses..." I smirked and hugged him. We walked hand in hand to the closest café to eat breakfast. Andy ordered us two plates of strawberry waffles and they were hella good. He glanced briefly at his watch, and noticed we were late for the sound check.
      He looked at me and we ran a few blocks back to the venue that we'd be performing at. We pushed the doors open and walked in past security and onto the stage. We were panting heavily and the band started laughing at our haphazard appearances. "Why if it isn't the two lovebirds- and they're late too!" Alex teased. Andy and I apologized profusely for being late and we started to get everything ready for tonight's performance.
      Poor Alana's throat wasn't better still, so I had to take over the duet again. The hours until the performance went very quickly until we were 1 hour out. The girls dragged me to backstage to get ready. I slipped into a lacy-topped dress with a pair of cute ballet flats. They once again fixed my makeup and I helped do their hair and finally we were ready to go onstage. Andy was wearing his signature red and black flannel and black jeans with boots. He picked me up in a hug, spinning in a circle. "Alice, you will do so well tonight!" I smiled and kissed him lightly. "Andy, you will kill it tonight!"

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