Chapter 24 ***

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      This is the guitar that Gibby is based off of :) it's a Gibson Memphis in indigo blue. Thanks all for reading <3

      The lights flash immediately to Andy as he strolls humbly onto center stage, in the middle of his trademark red-patterned carpet. He takes up his microphone. "Ehm... Hi, Tempe... I'm Hozier." The crowd roars. "Thank you... Let's get started. This song is called 'Like Real People Do'." He strums out the first few chords, his sound is unique to him, none of the other musicians I've heard seem to play guitar without a pick. The girls, Rory, Alex and I take up our places. I glance back once at Gibby, who's sitting on the guitar stand next to Andy's Gibson Memphis.
      Something is seriously wrong with my voice today- I couldn't even hit the high notes in the first few songs. My face is red I'm sure, and Lorraine and Rachael are glancing at me nervously. Of course I'm fine, I just sound crackly like a 1930's radio. Alana gets up to do 'In A Week' with Andrew and I'm very pleased it isn't my turn to sing it this time. The two sound absolutely beautiful, even with the crowd going crazy.
       When the set finishes, I sprint up to Andy backstage and pounce into the air next to him, yelling "BOOO!" He jumps like a spooked horse upon seeing me. "Christ! Alice you scared the living daylights out of me!" I blush, "I'm sorry! I just get real excited sometimes!" He chuckles at this, takes up my hand and kisses me before we're in sight of fans. There is an especially long line tonight. The first fans, members of Hozier 24/7 on social media, take several pictures with Andy, then actually ask to take some with me, too! I'm literally hiding in the shadows, trying to avoid being seen, and asked freakin' creepy questions about my relationship by crazy people. Luckily, the H 24/7 members are always super respectful and kind. They ask very easy to answer questions, nothing personal.
      The remainder of fans are teenage girls, some throwing some nasty shade at me. I'm guessing maybe they are jealous? Either way, Andrew couldn't be nicer to his fans. It's time to go back to the bus for the night, as we're driving through the night to our next stop, Austin, Texas. I claim a bottom bunk bed across from Andy's in the back of the big bus. It's nearly 3 AM before everyone can get back to the bus. I gratefully take out my beloved earbuds and put them in my ears and lay down in my bed. I go quickly to my nighttime playlist, and select 'My Kind Of Man' by Vance Joy. His calming voice puts me to sleep amazingly fast, but not before Andy snuffles over in his bunk and whispers "Goodnight, beautiful. You did great tonight." I smile. "You did amazing, baby. This was an awesome show." With that, I drift off, still smiling.
I wake up for some reason a few hours after I fall asleep. I sit up in a startled manner and look over at Andy. He is sitting up with his hands over his eyes and his body is hinting that he's extremely stressed. I stand up, walking over to him and plop down next to him. He takes his face out of his hands and hugs me. "Andrew. Are you okay?" He nods, I'm not convinced, but I accept that answer. Andrew pulls me down to lay next his now laying down self. We drift off like this until morning. It's around 11 ish when we're finally up. Alex and Mia are giggling childishly when Andy and I sit up and rub our eyes. "Good morning, lovebirds." Alex sarcastically comments. Andy raises and eyebrow. "Well at least I have a girlfriend, Alex..." Alex blushes slightly at this retort, but is unshaken.
Mia gets this look about her that means she's going to ask a snoopy question. Oh no. "You two didn't fool around last night, did you?" Andrew and I look at each other awkwardly. "NO!" We both defensively squeal. "Ok ok, you two... But you have been together for 3 months...? And haven't yet?" Both of us shake our heads. "Mia, I haven't even really seen him shirtless, yet."
Andy gets my cue and nods. "Well we will have to change that." He slips off his shirt, a grey one that says 'The Black Keys' on it. I whistle at the fabled and all-to-beautiful abs Andy has been hiding from me. Dang, Andy... He blushes, ducking his head and rubbing his neck. Totally fangirling right now...
      My still shirtless boyfriend puts his (very) messy mane into a bun, and gets ready for breakfast. He shuffles out to the bus's kitchen/lounge area, pulling me behind himself. He sits down at the small table in the middle of the area after pouring a cup of tea for him and I.
"How was did everyone sleep last night?" I ask. An exhausted band groans sleepily. Rachael is the first to speak up. "Fine except Andrew was struggling inside his blankets and mumbling your name, Alice."
Andrew's face turns bright red and he tries to hide, embarrassed. "I was having a bad dream, Rachael..." He adds, mock-defensively. Today we have the day to ourselves, as we got to Austin a day early. I get dressed in jeans, my cowboy boots, and a cute horse shirt. The girls are decked out in cute dresses and shorts and skirts. Mia shakes her head disapprovingly. "Alice, we can't have you looking like a 'country girl'. The cowboys will be hitting on you from miles away.
      I nod. "Nope. Don't want that." I instead opt for a flowy white horse crop top with a golden Ireland shaped necklace, black leggings and sea green Chuck Taylor's. Lorraine giggles, "We can't get this girl to take off those tee shirts! It's either bands, Star Wars or horses!" I smile. This is the truth, I don't wear much else. I put on my Ray Bans, and the girls are ready to go.
      Mia looks over at me as we walk downtown in Austin. "We seriously need to get this Alice some more dresses! Amiright, girls?" The girls squeal, and before I exercise my flight instinct, I'm dragged into the nearest dress shop. "Girrrrrrlllll! This one is so-o-o cuuuuutteee!" Rachael yells as she pulls out a short black dress. She pushes me, heavily balking, into a dressing room. "Come out when you're done putting it on, Alice!"
      I look at myself in the mirror and cringe at what I might look like wearing this dress. I slip it on rather clumsily, and glance at what it looks like. Not half bad actually... The lacy top and flouncy bottom of the dress compliment my figure pretty well. I open the door and the girls all Ooo and ahhh. "This is the winner. You're getting it." Mia announces. "I have like no money though..." She raises an eyebrow. "You're a backup singer for the 'Take Me To Church Guy', of course you have money, Alice." I shrug and open my bank account status on my phone. Duuuuudeee... "Ohhhh yeah... I can definitely get this!" Mia laughs. We head on into the rest of the mall downtown and I notice two man buns accompanied by childishly acting men. Andy and Alex!
I tap Lorraine's shoulder "Lolo, look over by the food court. Do you see Andrew and Alex?" She giggles at their horrible attempts to be stealthy. I wave like a fool at Andy and his face turns bright red. He sheepishly waves back, and screams verrrry loudly at Alex. "ALEX MAN OUR COVER'S BEEN BLOWN!" They flee to the nearest video game store. They come out around 15 minutes later with the newest version of whatever game they play. Rachael laughs at them jumping up and down when they see another video game store. "Doesn't it seem like all the things boys want to watch are like 'Action, Violent Movie 6, Fight, Fight, Fight, and Boats'?" I ask. Alana utters a chuckle. "Yeah... I guess it's what we get for making them watch rom com, though!"
      I nod. "Very true." The clocks just struck noon, so the girls and I eat lunch at the mall's food court.

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