Chapter 25 ***

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I sprint over to the line for Runza, a particularly yummy restaurant I used to eat at as a kid all the time. Upon receiving my classic order of fries, ice cream and a sprite, I head over to the table where the girls are sitting. Lorraine tilts her head to the side like a confused dog whilst she looks at my odd assortment of food. "Alice...? Wouldn't it have been easier to get a meal instead?" I giggle "Honey, there is no right way." Mia snorts accidentally at my reference to 'Someone New' as she's laughing. Alana bites into her Chipotle burrito and sighs. "Thith ith tho good!" She says with a mouthful of burrito.
      Rachael looks over at me and says "So Alice, how did you and Andrew meet, anyway?" I smile at the awkward first run-in with the shy, tall and clumsy man I call my boyfriend. "This one day, I heard him singing 'Someone New' in his attic studio during my ride on Bella." A pang of horse withdrawal hit me like a truck. "Bella and I stopped, but then continued with our ride, and then I ran late for work. Halfway through the day, Andrew walked in and sat down at the café I work at, and I got so excited." I breathe, then continue. "He ordered tea and asked for my number and the rest is history." Rachael nods, satisfied with my story.
      "I wonder where the boys ran off to?" I ask. Mia sighs. "Alice, when is Andy more than like 10 feet from you? He's probably right behin-" She's interrupted by soft laughter that is unmistakably Andrew's. "I was saying, right behind us." Alex sheepishly waves when Mia throws some shade at him. "H-hey girls! Nice day for some shopping, huh?" Alex says awkwardly.
I walk over to hug Andy. He pulls me in, standing up, taking me with him. He has no trouble holding me there and could easily carry me away, given the opportunity. "Andrew. Put Alice down. I know how much you love her, you tell us all everyday, but put her down please." Mia commands Andrew. He sighs, setting me down very gently. "I will pick you up and take you away another time, my small Alice." Andrew whispers into my ear.
      The girls and I finish lunch soon, but our manager calls Mia and tells her that it's imperative that we be back at the venue by 2:00. It's currently 12:45 so we've got time. I break for it when I spot another dress store, and the girls see it too. "Alice, Damn it!" Mia swears quietly as I fly into the welcoming leathery scent of a saddle store. I spot a gorgeous brown western saddle with a colorful seat and a glittery saddle pad. I pick up the price tag and prepare to cringe but it really is a reasonable price for a quality saddle like that. Lolo spots me and runs over, panting. "Alice! Why did you sprint into here?" I smile devilishly.
"I would much rather buy a new saddle than a new dress!" She laughs at this remark. "Alice, you are genuinely a bad clothes shopper!" I nod. "Guilty as charged." I take Lolo with me through most of the store, admiring some pricey halters and cute riding clothes. A pretty bitless bridle is hanging on the rack by the entrance and I pick it up. It's a soft tan color and would match my saddle at home very well. I purchase it and arrange for it to be sent to Maeve.
It's nearing 1:30 now, and if we wish to walk back to soundcheck, we'd best be leaving the mall. The weather is wonderful, with a cloudless sky and light breeze. Andrew and the more well-known band members put on cowboy hats to hide their faces so they wouldn't be recognized by anyone. Andrew still gets asked for autographs, He's pretty easy to spot seeing that there's not many 6'5 guys with the grace of a newly born giraffe out there.
      We stroll into the Austin music hall 5 minutes late due to some crazy girls blocking the entrance. Andrew and the band go ahead when a few teens want to ask questions, while I stay behind to answer them. The first girl is very sweet, complementing my outfit and asking me to sign something. Her company through, is the complete opposite way, I regret to inform you. She thrusts a big phone in front of me with the contacts section open. "Put in Andrew's number." I shake my head, utterly perplexed. "I said to put in his number. Aren't you going to do what I told you to?" She snaps rudely. A rather intimidating figure I assume to be her father is glaring mercilessly at me.
      I nervously bring a hand up my neck and pat the guitar strapped to my back. "I'm really sorry, sweetie. I don't remember his number off the top of my head." She tears her phone out of my hand, scoffing. "You're useless. Why the hell would a hunk like Andrew go out with a stupid slut like you?" I furrow my brow, not believing what I'm hearing. "Please leave this area if you're going to talk that way to our performers." A large security guard says to the girl. She rolls her eyes. "Fine. I'm going to go look at the other things. Where a slut like you won't be bothering me." She whispers ruefully at me, turning away.
      I can't believe what I just heard. Andrew's fans are always so kind and sweet. I guess this one was different. Teenage or not though, her words really stung. Tears cloud my vision as I head towards the nearest bathroom. I slump against a wall, full-on crying. A soft knock sounds on the door. "Alice? It's Andrew. Please come out, you're scaring me." I sniffle, unlocking the door, and am instantly being swept into one of the most passionate hugs I've ever received.
      He wipes a tear off my freckled cheek. "What happened back there?" I explain and Andrew looks extremely concerned. He puts one finger up and runs off momentarily, returning with Gibby in hand. He places my beloved guitar into my hands. I kiss him on the cheek. "If I can't make you feel much better, then surely your real boyfriend can." He says with a grin. I sit down on a crate and strum out some chords quietly on Gibby, hooked up to a small vox amplifier.
      I crank the volume down and the treble too, so I don't cause a ruckus, and start playing though a few songs. Andrew strolls away for a second, but returns with his Harmony guitar, a caramel colored, Gibson Memphis shaped beauty complete with a whammy bar. He plugs his into a small amplifier adjacent to mine, and turns his treble down. With a grin, he strums out the first few chords to 'Like Real People Do'. The tears have all but stopped coming out of my eyes, which is good because it was getting hard to see whether I was strumming out a 'G' chord or a 'C'. I accompany Andy with the backup chords as he starts singing.

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