Chapter 13 ***

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I can't wait for this chapter! Thank you all very much for putting up with my slightly-childish writing. <3 Lanie

The plane's large wings danced with the fluffiest of cumulus clouds while we entered the sky. As we left Ireland, the ocean was all to be seen. It was slightly horrifying how much water was really there. Last time I had flown across the ocean, I had been so heavily sobbing at the loss of my dear Smokey that I hadn't noticed the expansive Atlantic in all its glory.
      I hadn't realized that my forehead was pressed intently against the window as I was watching the takeoff and I was fogging it up with each breath. Andy was giggling childishly and I took my head off the window to see what was so darned funny. "You really like looking at the ocean, don't you, Alice?" He said with a smirk. I poked him, "I honestly forgot what I was doing. Not everyone is as perfect as Mr. Andrew Hozier Byrne."
I noticed then that he was twiddling a string from the zipper on his jacket. Always messing with something... The flight attendant, a beautiful, tall blonde with piercing blue eyes, was bringing around a cart with snacks on it. She worked her way up from the back of the plane to the front, passing out pretzels and drinks as she went along. She stopped finally at our seats. By the look she gave Andy, she wanted to marry him that instant. Dam Andy and his striking, god-like good looks!
      I got wayyy to excited when I saw that the flight attendant had pretzels. I squealed, "You legitimately have pretzels?!" Andy chucked. He smiled and told the lady "My friend here is a bit excited. She hasn't flown many times before." I grabbed the pretzels and scarfed them down like a hungry feral dog, thinking to myself: No ragrets. <-(That's spelled wrong on purpose- it's a reference.)

Andy and I laughed like we were kindergarteners at the Sky Mall magazine's ridiculous products, raising skeptical stares from the surrounding passengers. It had stuff like purple Bigfoot dog slippers and garden gnomes that have glowing eyes and built in HD security cameras. After around 8 hours of flight, both Andy and I were exhausted. We leaned against each other. "Alice, I love you more than you will ever know." He whispered softly. "Andy, I love you so very much." I added, before both of us nodded off.
We were awoken by the pilot, who announced that we were nearly landing in San Francisco. I sleepily squinted at Andy to see if he was awake too, and he did the same thing. I kissed him. "Good... Evening I guess." He chuckled and looked at his watch. It was 5:30 here in the states. When I peeked out the window, our plane was quickly approaching the foggy skyline unique to the extensive city. I saw the golden gate bridge and the high ocean waves crashing onto the shoreline. All of the passengers were told to buckle up for landing as we came to the bustling airport. When the plane slid to a halt, we stood up, ready to get off and into the city. We walked quickly down the tunnel and into the airport terminal, where we were greeted my a horde of Andy's fans, screaming and taking pictures of my shy, awkward boyfriend. We waded through the fans, escorted by a security guard, and we headed to the tour bus that was parked outside. It was a hulking thing, huge black and with tinted windows. Andy's manager ran out of the bus doors, fussing over the band and asking about our 13 hour flight. She then slid her eyes in my direction. "Andrew, is this the new backup singer named Alice I was told about?" He nodded, smirked and looked down at me. "What do you say, Alice?" I raised my eyebrows. I know he thought my voice was beautiful, but this? He could've at least told me! I widened my eyes. "Are you sure? I haven't even practiced with all of you yet." He nodded quickly and looked at the band. They were all smiling. They knew about this? Mia and the girls smiled and voiced their agreement. I blushed heavily and thanked them.

      We boarded the bus as soon as our luggage and Skip came out of the airport with a small crowd of employees. The bus had a nice place to stuff everything and before I put his crate in there, I let Skip out and he hugged me and wet himself. It really was too bad Elwood hadn't come too, but he would be staying with Andy's mother and father. I leashed Skip and we sat down next to Andy. Andy hugged me. "Alice, I'm so happy you came!"

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