Chapter 14 ***

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Woohoo! Chapter 14! You guys can suggest things to write into the story if you would like :)

Skip got very nervous in the next days so I decided to send my sweet pup back to Wicklow with Maeve. I texted and asked how it was going back at home and she said it was all well. Today was April 14th, the day of our first concert at the Masonic in San Francisco. We had our last sound check around 6 hours before the performance. Poor Alana's throat had not gotten better so I had to take over the female part of 'In A Week'. I was highly worried about my part; and though I had practiced it for hours, I still hadn't performed in front of a crowd. The hours ticked by and I grew more and more nervous. Mia pulled me aside. "Alice. You can do this! I was so nervous at my first performance, but I made it through. You can too." I hugged Mia and thanked her. The girls and I ran off to fix our makeup. They started to work, eyebrows, eyes, lips... I sat back and observed. I honestly hadn't given makeup a second thought since 12th grade. In the morning I simply patted on concealer and a slight pinch of eyeliner and pink sparkly lipgloss. Rachel looked at me funny. "Alice, aren't you going to put on makeup for the show?" I shrugged and realized my mistake when all four girls pulled me in and started to work on my face. Nearly a half-hour later they finally showed me their masterpiece. I raised my eyebrows and smiled. "Wow girls! You did amazing!" We then did each other's hair, working efficiently until we all looked fabulous. I realized that we had lost track of time when Andy burst into the room, out of breath. "Where the heck were you? We go on in five." He was about to continue but he stopped when he saw what the girls had done with my hair and makeup. He hugged me and then admired the girls' handiwork. "Alice! You're wearing makeup!"
I giggled and trailed him to backstage, holding his hand. The band that had opened for him walked by and he high-fived them each, congratulating their performance. I hopped up and gave Andy a kiss just as he turned to walk onto stage. "I love you, Andy!" He smiled and tucked a strand of hair off his face. "I love you more Alice!"
I heard a roar of thundering applause as Andy walked to center stage, picked up his guitar and began to play 'Cherry Wine'. The rest of the band and I strolled to our places and I stood on a small platform next to Rachel and Lorraine, two of the other backup singers. We finished the song and Andy set his guitar down to speak for a minute to the crowd of spectators. He scratched his head. "Hello, guys. Thank you genuinely for coming. It means the world to me." He then turned around and motioned for me to stand next to him. I stepped off the platform and jogged over to him. He put an arm as close to around my waist as he could, with his tall stature and all.
He picked up the microphone he had sat down, and began to talk. "This is Alice, the newest member of our band." The crowd cheered as my cheeks reddened. "She sings second-soprano in this set of songs." I waved shakily at the masses of people. Some looked at me with a flicker of recognition, possibly they follow Andy on Instagram and have seen Bella and I? He hugged me and I ran back to my spot. Andy next played 'Like Real People Do' , a huge favorite of mine. I used kt have trouble reaching the high notes, but tonight I nailed it.
We sang and played through most of Andy's other songs, and the time came for 'In A Week'. He looked back at me and nodded. I once again jogged to my place beside him. Alana winked at me and I nervously smiled back. Andy started talking to the crowd again. "This next song is called 'In A Week'. I usually sing this with Alana, but her throat isn't feeling well tonight." The crowd sighed and looked concerned. "Of course she will be fine soon, so we aren't taking any chances. So instead, my lovely Alice will be dueting with me this time." I heard a chorus of whispers as I was handed a microphone by a tech guy. The intro played and I got ready to sing out.

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