Chapter 11 ***

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Wow! I can't believe I'm this far in the story already! Thank you all so so so much for reading! Please vote/tell me what you think or what I should add. Thank you! <3 Lanie

      Maeve and I had an absolute blast that week! We rode the horses every day and we took wild rides on the Ranger and we watched Weird Science and Sixteen Candles and of course, Rushmore. It was basically a sleepover- that is, a six-night one! We went on a two-hour long grocery shopping trip to get the necessary items for Maeve's getaway at the cabin. We also went to the café to tell Amy, my boss about my going away for a year. I had known Amy since I has first moved to Wicklow, to get away from America after my best friend, my childhood mentor, and my constant companion that was Smokey my horse had passed away after I had him for 12 years. Amy teared up when I told her I needed to resign from my job at her small café.
She hugged me and told me "Alice: you will be great. You will show the world how amazing you are!" I nodded, my eyes getting clouded with tears. And hugged Amy back. "I will see you in 2016, my beloved Wicklow Café!" I said as my voice cracked and I had to walk out. Maeve patted me on the back, and I noticed she was crying too. Tomorrow I leave for San Francisco with Andy and  the band. I hugged Maeve and we stayed there for a while. Not seeing Maeve for almost a year would feel like torture, but I knew at least I could see my parents again whilst in the states.
Maeve and I loaded into my ancient black truck, Snowy, and drove slowly back to my home. The roads, even though we had another rain storm a whole 2 days ago, were still rampant with mud puddles and small ditches made by water lulling down the hills. When Maeve stepped out of the truck and I hopped the couple feet to the ground, I handed her Snowy's keys. She looked at me, confused, her blue eyes filled with questions and her eyebrows raised. I nodded, "Since I won't need my dear Snowy while I will be in the states, I expect you might need him to drive around my rural Wicklow." She wrapped me in her trademark bear hug and whispered "Thank you so so much Alice!" She held me, my wavy, caramel brown hair against her fiery, curly red mane.
I tacked up the phone numbers for the horses' vet, the farrier, and the man I buy hay from in the winter on my wall nearest to the landline phone. It was getting late, and Maeve decided to make me dinner after we took a ride on the horses in the waning sunset one last time before I would leave. I hopped onto Benji's enormous, dappled grey hulk of a back and wiggled into riding position. Maeve sprung gracefully onto Bella, and having become quite the rider over the week we had stayed together, she was bareback too.
We galloped out of the gate and down near Andy's house, where we heard 'From Eden' being played in the attic. The two horses both had their ears perked and were happy to be out again. We explored new paths in the uncharted woods, and Bella tried to swim in a small pond we found. I felt my heart lurch as we started to wrap up our ride. My last ride for a year...
The horses munched hungrily on their grass after they were put back into their little pasture. Maeve hurriedly made dinner for me; a lovely little Alfredo pasta with fake chicken. She knows me too well! I had to wake up very early tomorrow: 2:30 in the morning to catch the plane at the bustling Dublin airport.
I yawned lazily and Maeve nodded like a babysitter before bedtime. It was "time for me to go to sleep" according to her. 8:00 pm seemed slightly early to me, but Maeve is not one to argue with. She lettered in debate in high school for a reason! I put on pajamas and was tucked into bed by Maeve. She then crawled under the blankets next to me in her now-claimed 'spot'. I closed my eyes and nodded off. My iPhone's 'Marimba' ringtone went off several times at 2:30. I jumped out of bed and flew to the bathroom to put on my makeup, glasses and clothes. Andy texted me to make sure I was up.

Hi Alice! Are you up yet? We leave for Dublin at 4:30. Tell everyone goodbye for me <3

I'm awake! Thank you for checking, baby!

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